
  • 网络Focalization Marketing
  1. 民航售后服务业的市场壁垒和营销策略

    Aftermarket Outlook and Market Entry Strategy in China Civil Aviation

  2. 同时也面临着与现代化生产的差距、遭遇贸易壁垒、营销系统不完善、人民币升值压力等问题。

    At the same time , the barriers include the gap between production and modernization , trade barriers encountering , imperfections marketing system , the pressure of RMB appreciation and so on .

  3. 基于绿色壁垒的企业营销策略分析

    Analysis of the Strategies of Business Marketing according to Green Barrier

  4. 跨越绿色壁垒实施绿色营销

    Crossing the green barriers and implementing the green marketing

  5. 首先要采取措施缩小与沿海地区历史积累下产生的差距,同时还需通过攻破贸易壁垒、完善营销策略、发展电子商务、应对人民币升值等加以解决。

    First of all , take measures to narrow the gap between the coastal areas due to historical accumulation . It also can be soluted by breaking trade barriers , improving marketing strategies , developing e-commerce , responding to the appreciation of RMB .

  6. 直面绿色壁垒,开展绿色营销

    Facing Green Wall and Promoting Green Marketing

  7. 第二部分主要是理论研究,包括绿色壁垒理论和绿色营销理论。

    Second part ( Chapter Two ) is a theoretical part , including theories about green barrier and green marketing .