
  • 网络viral marketing
  1. 随着电子商务的发展,Web病毒式营销因其较传统营销方式的独特优势而得到广泛的关注与应用。

    With the development of E-commerce , Web viral marketing is being concerned and applied more widely according to its unique advantages compared with traditional ways .

  2. 如果口头传播证明有效,那么美国运通就将投入旨在创造“轰动效应”的病毒式营销(viralmarketing)攻势。

    If word-of-mouth proves effective , American Express could engage in viral marketing campaigns designed to create " buzz " .

  3. 今年早些时候BLAHAirlines(指维珍航空的广告中虚拟的一家航空公司,暗指其竞争对手)的病毒式营销就是一个很好的例子。

    The viral launch of BLAH Airlines earlier this year is a great example .

  4. 互联网之外,病毒式营销被用来指“口碑(word-of-mouth),”“制造热点(creatingabuzz),”“整合媒体(leveragingthemedia),”“网络营销(networkmarketing)。”

    Off the Internet , viral marketing has been referred to as " word-of-mouth ,"" creating a buzz ,"" leveraging the media ,"" network marketing . "

  5. 病毒式营销在国内SNS网站推广中的应用探析

    Research & Analysis on the Application of Viral Marketing to the Promotion of SNS Websites in China

  6. 病毒式营销已成为一种为人熟知的工具:广告商制作一些足够另类、好玩或者搞笑的东西(如放在YouTube上的一段视频),消费者会主动(往往通过社交网络)去传播。

    Viral marketing has become a familiar tool : advertisers generate something ( such as a YouTube clip ) that is quirky , interesting or amusing enough that consumers will spread it themselves , typically across social networks .

  7. 请问病毒式营销老大在么!

    I want to speak to the King of Viral Marketing !

  8. 从本质上讲,它是一种病毒式营销的互联网模式。

    Essentially , it is a viral marketing mode of the Internet .

  9. 或许最有效的交互式广告实施方式之一是所谓的病毒式营销。

    Perhaps one of the most effective implementations of interactive advertising is so-called Viral marketing .

  10. 病毒式营销的运用

    On the application of viral marketing

  11. 病毒式营销是其中一个最有效的方法来拓展您的业务和网站。

    Viral marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business and web site .

  12. 你知道经典的“口传营销”跟我们现在所谓的“病毒式营销”不同之处在哪?

    You know what the difference between the classic word-of-mouth marketing and what we call viral marketing is ?

  13. 第二章对彩铃业务病毒式营销互联网社区应用框架进行功能分析,对各个功能要素进行定义。

    Chapter ⅱ introduces the analysis of Community application framework CRBT viral marketing , the definition of the various functional elements .

  14. 在广告业参与度较高的市场端,营销高手们通常会通过社交媒体进行病毒式营销,并为这一“营销圣杯”展开激烈竞争。

    At the more engaged end of the advertising spectrum , marketers often vie for the Holy Grail that is viral marketing via social media .

  15. 营销领域的口碑效应现象和病毒式营销推广方式提出了如何在人群中寻找影响力最大的用户的问题。

    " Word-of-mouth " and " viral marketing " effects in marketing have raised the problem of how to find the influential members of people .

  16. 第五章介绍对彩铃业务病毒式营销互联网社区应用框架的功能测试和性能测试,证明了测试结果符合预期要求。

    Chapter ⅴ introduces the test of function and performance of viral marketing community CRBT application framework , and the test results satisfy the requirements .

  17. 商业领域也出现了与之对应的动态中国市场“病毒式营销”的发展比西方要快得多。

    They have been matched by similar developments in the commercial realm , where viral marketing has taken off much more rapidly than in Western markets .

  18. 其中第三章分别从功能和性能上对彩铃业务病毒式营销互联网社区应用框架进行需求分析,明确软件开发的目标。

    Chapter ⅲ introduces the requirements analysis of functionality and performance of CRBT viral marketing community application framework , gives the goal of the software development .

  19. 病毒式营销是一种信息传递战略,能通过用户的口碑宣传网络,使信息像病毒一样迅速地传向成千上万的受众。

    Viral marketing is a strategy of information transmission , which can utilize the users ' network and reach millions of receivers as quickly as virus .

  20. 该公司一直使用病毒式营销来出售自己的高配置、低价格的智能手机,一跃超过一些更老牌的制造商,坐上了中国市场头号交椅。

    The company has used a viral marketing campaign to sell its high-spec , low-cost smartphones and vault over more established manufacturers to become the market leader in China .

  21. 微博是受众聚集的纽带和载体,是社会化媒体的一种重要形式,是病毒式营销和口碑营销的结合。

    Microblog is the bond and carrier of audience gathered , is an important form of the social media , and the combination of virus marketing and word-of-mouth marketing .

  22. 而有些人立刻就发现了其中的商机,一些自称“病毒式营销专家”的人站出来,声称一手策划了凤姐的走红。

    Others were quick to see the business opportunities , though , with several self-proclaimed " experts in viral marketing " stepping forward to take credit for masterminding her success .

  23. 《死侍》原作得益于非常有创意的成功营销,所以如果你在年后看到又一轮病毒式营销活动,不必感到太惊讶。

    The original Deadpool benefited from a very creative and successful marketing campaign , so don 't be shocked to see another viral marketing campaign crop up sometime after New Year .

  24. 最后在结束语部分对论文和本人的工作进行了总结,并描述了下一步的主要工作以及彩铃业务病毒式营销互联网社区应用框架的未来发展道路。

    Finally , in the concluding part of the paper ⅰ summarize my work , and describe the next major work , and the future path of CRBT viral marketing community application framework .

  25. 本文研究的重点是社会网络影响力最大化,该研究主要应用于商业中的病毒式营销,这种营销方式的目的是在付出最小营销成本的同时获取到尽可能多的商业回报。

    We focused on the influence maximization of social network . It is mainly used in business " viral marketing " . The purpose is to exchange the greatest return in a limited budget .

  26. 虽然在线广告和病毒式营销已经成为美国橄榄球超级杯大赛广告的常规套路,但《德鲁大叔》广告策略投机性更强,成本也更低。

    While the use of online teasers and viral campaigns has become one of the new staples of Super Bowl advertising , the " Uncle drew " strategy is more speculative and much less expensive .

  27. 它也可以是病毒式营销的有效方式,因为假如你的信息对顾客有用,他们会发送给其他人,从而帮助你扩大你的客户群。

    They are also a great way to create viral marketing , because if your customers find the information useful they may forward your e-newsletter to others , thereby helping you grow your customer base .

  28. 第四章详细介绍了彩铃业务病毒式营销互联网社区应用框架的设计和实现细节,包括系统结构、外部接口、软件框架、主要模块设计实现以及核心业务流程的介绍。

    Chapter ⅳ introduces the details of the design and implementation of the viral marketing community CRBT application framework , including system architecture , external interfaces , software framework , the main module design and implementation as well as the introduction of the core business processes .

  29. 最早这样做的机构包括口碑营销协会(thewordofmouthmarketingassociation),这是一个病毒式口碑营销的行业组织。

    Among the first to do so was the word of mouth marketing association , an organisation for the viral and buzz marketing industry .

  30. 第三章从网络媒体的角度结合具体案例分析事件营销的传播方式,重点突出病毒式网络事件营销模式,具体讲解其传播渠道、传播学理论依据和成功案例分析。

    Chapter from the perspective of network media event marketing case studies with specific means of communication focused " viral " marketing model of internet events , specifically to explain its distribution channels , the theoretical basis of communication and successful case studies .