
  • 网络balance
  1. TCP宏观平衡性研究

    Macroscopical Quantity Balance of TCP Packets

  2. TCP流的宏观平衡性

    Macroscopical Quantitative Balance of TCP Packets

  3. WTO规则的平衡性规律初探

    Elementary Exploration on the Equilibrium of WTO Rules

  4. WTO规则运行的基本规律是权利与义务的平衡性。

    A basic law about the function of WTO rules is the equilibrium of right and obligation .

  5. V型压缩机的动力平衡性与列间夹角关系的探讨

    Study of Relation Between Dynamic Balance and Angle in Between Arrangement of ⅴ & type Compressor

  6. 并分析了这些算法在intensification和diversification上的平衡性和不足。

    Analysis on the balance between intensification and diversification of these algorithms was done , and thus their limitations emerged .

  7. 广义二元Bent序列是根据广义Bent函数推出的,也具有最优相关性和平衡性。

    Generalized binary Bent sequences are constructed according to generalized Bent functions , and they also have optimal correlation and balanced property .

  8. 讨论了多输出部分Bent函数的平衡性、相关免疫性、非线性性和扩散性等密码学性质;

    Secondly , it discusses the cryptology properties of multi-output partially Bent functions , such as balance , correlation immunity , non-linearity and pervasion .

  9. 数字合成孔径雷达中改善I/Q通道不平衡性的多相Kaiser滤波法

    Polyphase Kaiser Filter for the Correction of I / Q Imbalance of Digital Synthetic Aperture Radar

  10. 另外,汽液两相温度差异和速度滑移的分布计算结果也证实了短管内跨临界CO2流动的非平衡性并不显著。

    The non-equilibrium flow characteristics of trans-critical carbon dioxide in the short tube are not obvious which could also be verified by small inter-phase velocity slip and temperature difference .

  11. 首先从实验的角度基于Logistic映射,分析了其所生成的混沌序列的部分相关特性及平衡性,给出了计算机仿真结果;

    The correlation and balance properties of a special kind of chaos sequence i.e. Logistic-Map sequence are analyzed from the aspect of experiment and the computer simulation results are given .

  12. 针对图像的不平衡性,在对PCA图像融合算法进行研究的基础上,采用分块预处理方法对该算法进行了改进,提出了改进PCA图像融合算法。

    For the imbalance of image , the author develops an improved PCA medical image fusion algorithm based on PCA image fusion by using image block preprocessing .

  13. 为了改善数字合成孔径雷达I/Q通道的不平衡性,该文采用了一种新的方法&内插多相Kaiser滤波法。

    For the correction of the digital SAR I / Q imbalance , the paper adopts a new method-interpolation polyphase Kaiser filter .

  14. 周二和周四,私人教练詹妮弗?塞奇(JenniferSage)会到林恩夫妇家进行融合了灵活度、力量训练和平衡性锻炼的混合课程。

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays , a personal trainer , Jennifer Sage , comes to their home for a mix of flexibility , strength training and balance exercises .

  15. NURBS建模手段因在精确性、控制性和系统资源占用率的平衡性最优而确定为最终技术方案,以完成设计与建模任务。

    The result shows that NURBS modeling is the final technical project to complete the task of design and modeling , for it has the best balance in accuracy ? control and system resources impropriate rate .

  16. SS-树索引是常用的空间数据索引,具有平衡性、动态性、构造和维护的简单性,用Java实现了SS-树索引,并在自行开发的基于内容图像检索实验原型系统IRS中使用。

    The SS-tree index is the popular spatial index , and has the characteristics of balance and dynamic , and it 's easy to construct and maintain . A web-based CBIR system named IRS is realized by using Java , for which the SS-tree indexes are realized .

  17. 手工业技艺水平在各地域呈现了明显的不平衡性。

    The disequilibrium of handicraft level in each region appeared clearly .

  18. 高聚物玻璃化的不平衡性及流变行为

    The non-equilibrium glass transition of polymers and its related rheological behavior

  19. 平衡性:当代英国基础教育改革的追求

    Balance : the Pursuit of English Current Reform for Basic Education

  20. 二是区域金融结构变迁的不平衡性。

    This characteristic also appears in the change of financial structure .

  21. 这可支持的平衡性和耐用性,以这把刀的建设。

    This lends balance and durability to the knife 's construction .

  22. 功能:帮助提高腿部力量和平衡性。

    Functions : Helps to improve leg strength and balance .

  23. 初探电子秤的平衡性论宪政的平衡性

    Firstly discuss the equilibrium of the electronic scale On Balance of Constitutionalism

  24. 当代生活方式的困惑及其不平衡性特征

    The bewilderment of modern life style and the feature of its unbalance

  25. 中国农业机械化发展的不平衡性研究

    Study on Regional Unbalance of Agricultural Mechanization Development in China

  26. 带时间窗限制的车辆调度子路径平衡性研究

    Sub-Route Duration Balance on Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

  27. 数据非平衡性对试验分析结果的影响

    Influence of data imbalance on the analysis results of experiment

  28. 这个平衡性的补贴要在运行的最后年要求。

    A balancing allowance is claimed in the final year of operation .

  29. 各项素质指标发展的不平衡性;

    The unbalance of the development of all quality indexes ;

  30. 总的来说,结果至少表明平衡性得到了显著改善。

    Overall , the results at least seem a lot more balanced .