
píng liú céng
  • stratosphere
平流层 [píng liú céng]
  • [stratosphere] 高层大气的一部分,其高度随纬度、季节和天气条件而异,约在七英里以上。平流层中温度随高度变化不大,雨云极少并且实际上没有深对流发生

平流层[píng liú céng]
  1. 大多数氯氟甲烷存留在平流层下部。

    Most of the chlorofluoromethanes reside in the lower stratosphere .

  2. 氧化亚氮(N2O)是大气中一种痕量气体,它具有产生温室效应和破坏平流层臭氧的双重作用。

    N2O , as a trace gas in the atmosphere , could cause greenhouse effect and damage the ozone lay in stratosphere .

  3. 建议利用反向C频段开发我国的平流层通信系统。

    The paper also suggests that reverse C-band could be used in developing HAPS 's Chinese version .

  4. 平流层通信系统蜂窝移动无线ATM技术研究

    Research on Cellular Wireless ATM in Stratospheric Communication System

  5. 平流层行星波对CH4季节变率的影响

    Influence of Planetary Wave on the Seasonal Variability of Stratospheric Methane

  6. 平流层CDMA通信系统的容量分析

    Capacity Analysis of Stratospheric CDMA Communication System

  7. 中国平流层CH4的分布特征和季节变化

    Distribution Features and Seasonal Variations of Stratospheric CH_4 over China

  8. 应用二维大气化学模式对此原因进行了模拟研究,结果表明,CO排放源的减少是CO体积分数下降的主要因子,平流层臭氧减少是另一个重要因子。

    It is shown that the decrease of CO emissions is the main cause of the decrease of CO and another one is depletion of stratospheric ozone .

  9. 平流层通信系统采用IPv6协议为用户提供为语音、视频和数据库访问等业务。

    Stratospheric communication system uses the IPv6 protocol to provide voice , video , database access and other services for users .

  10. 氧化亚氮(N2O)是大气中仅次于CO2和CH4的第三大痕量温室气体,大量排放会引起全球气候变暖和平流层臭氧的损耗。

    Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) is an important trace gas that causes global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion .

  11. 对平流层ISAR探测成像的系统进行了设计,分别对空中平台与地面平台进行了阐述。

    Designing the stratosphere ISAR imaging detection system , and the air platform and ground platform are discussed .

  12. 北极平流层冬季早期变暖的GCM模拟研究

    GCM Simulations of Early Winter Warming in the Stratospheric Arctic

  13. 平流层臭氧破坏导致地球表面紫外辐射(主要是UV-B)增强逐渐受到人们重视。

    Enhancement of ultraviolet radiation ( mainly UV-B ) resulted from the depletion of stratospheric ozone has caused considerable attention .

  14. 热带平流层Kelvin波的能量、动量铅直输送特征的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis on the vertical transports of energy and momentum due to Kelvin wave in the lower tropical stratosphere

  15. 对平流层ISAR平台瞬时速度对成像的影响也做了计算分析。

    Also , we do the calculation and analysis of the effect ISAR platform instantaneous velocity to the imaging . 3 .

  16. NOx在对流层和平流层化学中扮演着极为重要的角色,是产生一些环境问题诸如光化学烟雾,酸雨,气候变暖,尤其是平流层臭氧破坏的关键原因。

    These compounds are actively involved in both the tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry and contribute to environmental problems such as photochemical smog , acid rain , global warming and particularly , stratospheric ozone depletion .

  17. 分析并给出了平流层通信系统的网络结构模型,指出ATM无线传输技术是平流层通信系统的主要技术。

    This article described the network structure model for stratospheric telecommunication system , and pointed out that the ATM on wireless link was the main technology in this system .

  18. 平流层通信系统是由美国空间站国际公司(SSI)提出的一种崭新的通信系统。

    Communication system architecture of a stratospheric telecommunication network was developed by Sky Station International Inc ( SSI ) .

  19. 西太平洋副高活动与平流层QBO关系的研究

    Study on Subtropical High Activity over the Western Pacific and QBO in the Stratosphere

  20. 美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)的红外天文平流层观测台(简称SOFIA)首次确认月球表面存在水。

    NASA 's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy has confirmed water on the sunlit surface of the moon for the first time .

  21. 大气平流层臭氧耗损所引起的地表UV-B辐射增强是全球变化研究的重要问题之一。

    Elevated ultraviolet-B ( UV-B ) radiation induced by the depletion of stratospheric ozone layer has been regarded as one of the important problems in global change .

  22. 大气平流层的臭氧层逐渐破坏导致太阳辐射中抵达地球表面的UV-B辐射增加,对作物产生不同程度的影响。

    Ozone depletion in stratosphere has led to the increase of solar UV-B radiation reaching to the earth surface , which would affect crops to various extents .

  23. 目前,平流层通信信息技术的研究越来越多地引起了世界诸国的高度重视。IPv6报头压缩是平流层通信系统中需要解决的关键技术之一。

    At present , the research of stratospheric communications and information technology have attracted great attention in many countries.IPv6 header compression is one of the key technology of the stratospheric communication systems .

  24. 塑料窗平开框梃异型材机头流道的流场分析PBO基质平流层飞艇蒙皮材料的制备研究

    Study on Flow Field in Extrusion Die for Plastics Window Profile Fabrication and Investigation of Envelope Materials for Stratospheric Aircraft with PBO Fabric as Load-carriers

  25. 最后,本文通过OPNET搭建平流层通信系统仿真模型,对这两种压缩方案的可行性进行仿真验证。

    Finally , in order to analyze the feasibility of the two compression schemes , a simulation model of the stratospheric communication system is built by OPNET .

  26. 无论在对流层还是在平流层,Brunt-Vaisala频率冬季的值皆大于夏季的值;

    Brunt - Vaisala frequency in winter is larger than in summer .

  27. N2O不仅具有温室效应,而且强烈破坏平流层臭氧,造成臭氧空洞,此外在大气中具有超稳定性。

    N2O not only has the greenhouse effect , but also can destroy strongly ozone in stratosphere , bring ozone hole , furthermore , it is super-stable in atmosphere .

  28. 通过对EP通量进一步的研究表明,平流层爆发性增温是沿高纬度波导传播的异常行星波与平均气流相互作用的结果。

    Moreover , the convergence of EP flux indicates that the stratospheric sudden warming is the result of anomalous planetary wave propagation along the high latitude waveguide and its interaction with mean flows .

  29. 本文分析了在新指数不同位相下,QBO对平流层纬向平均纬向风、经向风、温度以及位势高度场的影响。

    The influence of QBO on the zonal mean stratospheric zonal and meridional wind , temperature and geopotential height is analyzed .

  30. 本文利用1979年的FGGEⅢb资料研究了1&7月平流层大气环流的季节变化以及变化期间南北半球、东西半球的不同演变特征。

    Using FGGE ⅲ b data in 1979 , the seasonal variation of global atmospheric circulation in stratosphere and their relationship during January to July has been studied in the paper .