
pínɡ dǐnɡ shān
  • mesa
  1. 用源激发X荧光法测定平顶山市人发中的微量元素

    The measurement of trace element in human hair front Pingdingshan district by XRF

  2. 平顶山市综合污水BOD与COD的相关性探讨

    Discussion on Correlation of BOD and COD of Synthetic Sewerage in Pingdingshan City

  3. 平顶山市不同育龄妇女STD相关知识知晓率调查

    Survey of health knowledge concerning STD in women of child-bearing age in Pingdingshan City

  4. 基于3S技术的平顶山市土地利用景观格局分析

    Analysis of landscape pattern of land use in Pingdingshan based on 3S techniques

  5. 河南铝土矿为上古生界石炭系本溪组的G层铝土矿,分布在三门峡郑州平顶山这个三角地带。

    Henan bauxite , which belongs to G layer bauxite of Benxi Formation , Carboniferous , Upper Paleozoic , developed in Sanmenxia Zhengzhou Pingdingshan triangle belt .

  6. 采用灰色关联分析和GDP就业弹性分析方法,对河南省资源型城市的典型代表平顶山市的产业结构从增加值结构和劳动力结构两个方面进行分析,得出一些有益的结论。

    Industry structure in Pingdingshan city , as the representation of resource type city in Henan province , is studied by using the grey incidence analysis and the GDP employment elasticity analysis from the rising value structure and the labor structure , some interested conclusions are presented .

  7. XGZ系列刮板输送机是80年代初期由平顶山选煤设计院设计。

    XGZ series scrapping board conveyor is designed by Pingdingshan Design Institute for Coal Preparation in the early1980s .

  8. 在河南平顶山煤矿区人群糖尿病(DM)现况调查基础上,对筛选出的174例DM和3066例糖耐量正常者(NGT)进行以人群为基础的病例对照研究。

    According to data from prevalence study on population from Pingdingshan coal mining districts in Henan province , we analysed 174 patients with diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and 3 066 control subjects with normal blood glucose ( NGT ) by a population-based case-control study .

  9. 政府给了他位于heba移居新村的一处住处,它位于平顶山郊区里一条尘土飞扬的高速公路旁。平顶山是一座煤矿资源丰富的城市,位于邻近的河南省内,它字面上的意思是“平的山”。

    The government gave him a home in the Heba New Migrant Village by adusty highway in rural Pingdingshan , a coal-rich municipality in neighbouring Henan province whose name translates to " flat mountain . "

  10. 结果显示,平顶山市大中型商场可吸入颗粒物污染严重,PM10、PM2.5污染平均超标率分别为13.7%和48.0%;

    The pollution level of the particle matter is very serious in the large and medium sized shopping centre in Pingdingshan City . The average rate of excess standard of PM_ ( 10 ) and PM_ ( 2.5 ) was 13.7 % and 48 % respectively .

  11. 中部线在一个半月内向平顶山市的baiguishan水库运输水资源超过5000万立方米,新华网写道:“其有效缓解了平顶山市一百多万居民的水资源匮乏问题”。

    The middle line delivered more than 50m cubic metres of water to the city 's Baiguishan reservoir over a month and a half , it said , " effectively relieving the scarce water supply of Pingdingshan city 's one million-plus residents . "

  12. 用原岩应力测量确定了平顶山矿区应力场性质。

    In-situ measurement determines the character of the mine stress field .

  13. 平顶山市创建园林城市的差距与对策探讨

    Discussion on disparity and countermeasures of building garden city in Pingdingshan

  14. 煤炭液化技术及在平顶山市的应用前景

    The technology of coal liquidation and its application in Pingdingshan City

  15. 平顶山煤炭矿区环境地质问题分析

    Environmental Geological Problems in the Coal Mining Area in Pingdingshan City

  16. 平顶山市工业结构优化发展的战略思考

    Strategic Ideas of the Optimized Industrial Structure Development of Pingdingshan City

  17. 平顶山盐厂废弃盐泥的开发和利用工艺研究

    Development and application of waste salt sludge from Pingdingshan Salt Plant

  18. 论平顶山市城市规划用地的发展方向

    Explored of the City planning Review Landuse Developing Direction in Pingdingshan

  19. 2005年平顶山市市区托幼机构玩具消毒状况调查

    Toys Disinfection Status of Urban Kindergartens in Pingdingshan City in 2005

  20. 平顶山市煤气管网安全隐患分析

    Analysis of Hidden Dangers of Gas Pipe Network in Pingdingshan City

  21. 平顶山市青少年危害健康行为调查分析

    Survey of harmful behavior to health of adolescents in Pingdingshan City

  22. 平顶山矿区铁路运输调度监督系统设计

    Design for a Dispatch Supervision System of Pingdingshan Mining Area Railway

  23. 平顶山市矿业特点及发展对策浅议

    A discussion of mining characteristics and Development Countermeasures in Pingdingshan City

  24. 平顶山市区大气污染趋势分析与防治对策

    Analysis and prevention and cure of air - pollution in pingdingshan

  25. 平顶山矿区地温信息管理系统研究

    A study of geothermal information management system for Pingdingshan Mine Area

  26. 平顶山矿区热害产生原因及治理对策

    Cause and control countermeasures of geothermal disaster in Pingdingshan Mining Area

  27. 平顶山市政府办公大楼室内甲醛的测定

    Mensuration of indoor for formaldehyde pollution of pingdingshan municipal office building

  28. 平顶山十三矿突水特征与原因分析

    Characteristics and Cause Analysis of Water Inrush in Pingdingshan No.13 Mine

  29. 平顶山市222例新生儿破伤风流行病学调查报告

    A Report of Epidemiology Investigation on 222 Infants with Tetanus in

  30. 平顶山市区环境噪声污染现状分析

    Analysis of the Noise Pollution in the Urban District of Pingdingshan