
pínɡ fānɡ yīnɡ chǐ
  • square foot
  1. 成功地将租金降到每平方英尺1美元。

    It manages to knock rents down to $ 1 per square foot .

  2. 用这种涂料漆上1000平方英尺(92.9平方米)的屋顶,据科学家们估计,能比普通的中央空调提供更强的降温效果。

    Covering a 1000 square foot [ 92.9 square metre ] roof with this paint , they estimate , would provide more cooling power than a typical central air conditioner .

  3. 该大楼有约25,500平方英尺的带空调的办公室。

    The building provides about 25,500 sq ft of air-conditioned offices .

  4. 它的总表面积为7,000平方英尺。

    Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet .

  5. 金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。

    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

  6. 这套公寓的面积大约有300平方英尺。

    This apartment is roughly 300 square feet in size .

  7. 他们那栋有两间卧室、1050平方英尺的巷屋既豪华又节能,简直就是为了满足他们的需要而设计的。

    For example : Their two-bedroom , 1050-square-foot laneway house is sleek2 and energy-efficient , and designed to meet their exact needs .

  8. 在纽约,超过1000万平方英尺(92万9千平方米)的屋顶被涂上了白色的热反射涂料。

    In New York , more than ten million square feet [ 929000 square metres ] of rooves have been coated with white heat-reflecting paint .

  9. 当他把通灵板拿来的时候,我确信它比我刚才看到时面积至少大了一平方英尺(不过没什么大不了的,这倒正好激发我的兴趣)。

    When he brought it back I swear it had grown at least a foot in all directions from the last time I saw it ( not important , it just intrigued4 me ) .

  10. 这个占地1.9万平方英尺(约合1765平方米)的办公空间能容纳70名员工,是Well建筑标准的样板间。

    The 19000-square-foot office space houses 70 employees and serves as a showplace for the Well standard .

  11. 纽约中央车站(GrandCentralStation)的苹果零售店开张,占地23000平方英尺(2136.77平方米),您可以点击这里一睹为快。

    A first look at Apple's23,000-square foot store in New York 's Grand Central Station .

  12. 该酒店还有四个高档餐厅和一个1.5万平方英尺的spa浴场。

    There are also four fine-dining restaurants and a 15,000-square-foot spa .

  13. 此前香港最贵的豪宅面积为5989平方英尺(合556平方米),位于香港太平山的普乐道(Pollock'sPath)。

    The most expensive home sold to date in Hong Kong was a 5989 square-foot manse on 10 Pollock 's Path , also located on the Peak .

  14. 这个空间占地3500平方英尺,由他与伦敦的Campaign公司合作设计,以复古家具的陈列和林能平本人策展的艺术品为特色。

    The 3,500-square-foot space , designed in collaboration with the London agency Campaign , features vintage furniture and artwork curated by Lim himself .

  15. 235平方英尺的豪华开间StudioQueen有个大窗户,能俯瞰热闹的埃塞克斯街(EssexStreet),很适合看人来人往。

    Our 235-square-foot Studio Queen had a large window overlooking lively Essex Street , which was great for people-watching .

  16. 布鲁克林大桥公园1号楼(OneBrooklynBridgePark)总高12层,共有360套公寓房,此外还建有面积达3000平方英尺的健身中心、一间瑜伽室以及相应的停车场。

    One Brooklyn Bridge Park is a 12-storey building with 360 apartments that also includes a 3000 sq ft fitness centre , a yoga studio and on-site parking .

  17. IBM已经开始提供预先配置的模块化数据中心(500到1000平方英尺),它们实际上可以在不到四个月内配置好。

    IBM has started to offer preconfigured modular datacenters ( 500 to1000 square feet ) that can actually be configured in less than four months .

  18. 卡沙尼和大约30家其它美国企业将会在义乌的标霸美国馆(americanmerchandisecenter)展示自己的产品,展室面积为12万平方英尺。

    Mr kashani and about 30 other US companies will be displaying their wares at the American merchandise center in Yiwu , a 120000 sq ft showroom space .

  19. 特斯拉表示,在该公司的展厅里,每平方英尺的面积带来的销售额是苹果公司(Apple)的两倍,而苹果目前被公认为是行业领军者。

    Tesla says it enjoys sales per square foot at its showrooms that are double that of Apple . The tech company is currently considered the industry leader .

  20. 而PlacedInsights的数据是直接从消费者身上获得的,它所针对的地理位置可以精确到平方英尺。

    Placed insights gets it right from the source : the consumer , and the geography is measured almost down to the square foot .

  21. 星光闪耀的新开发项目海德公园一号(onehydepark)于一月份正式开盘,据报道,其中部分单元房的每平方英尺售价超过6000英镑(合9625美元)。

    At one Hyde Park , a starry new development which officially opened in January , some units have reportedly sold for more than 6000 ( $ 9625 ) per square foot .

  22. 其中售价最贵的是一栋位于格林威治湾(GreenwichCove)、面积7700平方英尺(约715平方米)的殖民地风格住宅,成交金额为1305万美元(约合人民币8017万元)。这里有什么?

    the most expensive , a 7700-square-foot colonial on Greenwich Cove , closed at $ 13.05 million .

  23. 但十年后,沃尔玛开设社区店(Neighborhood),平均仅为42000平方英尺,比超市小了两倍多。

    But a decade later it opened its neighborhood markets , which , at an average of 42,000 square feet , was more than two times smaller than its Supercenters .

  24. 例如,要生产出与标准AA型电池电量相当的纸张电池,它的面积大约要有一平方英尺。

    To produce as much power as a standard AA-sized battery , for instance , would require a Power Paper battery of about a square foot in size .

  25. 去年春天,就在Furnesvik40岁生日的几天前,Standard(Oslo)扩展出了了一个有8400平方英尺(约780平方米)的白色立方型空间。

    Last spring , days before Furnesvik 's 40th birthday , Standard ( Oslo ) expanded into a 8400-square-foot white-cube space .

  26. 对第一群,他建造了一个面积200平方英尺的啮齿动物天堂,它就叫做”l老鼠乐园“。

    For the first , he built a200-square-foot rodent paradise called Rat Park .

  27. 这四家门店的面积都将超过逾1.7万平方英尺,按本地标准相当巨大。他们都将由Gap所有和经营,销售Gap成人、儿童和婴儿系列的服装。

    All four stores , to be owned and operated by Gap , will be large by local standards at more than 17,000 sq ft and will sell clothing from its adult , kids and baby Gap lines .

  28. Opus公寓每平方英尺大约售价9000美元,有望加入伦敦和纽约超豪华公寓的阵营,比如伦敦的海德公园一号(OneHydePark)和纽约的中央公园西路15楼盘(15CentralParkWest)。

    At an estimated $ 9000 per square foot , Opus aspires to be in the same league as ultra-luxury developments in London and Manhattan such as One Hyde Park and 15 Central Park West .

  29. 徜徉在英国牛津市中心2.5万平方英尺、有如迷宫般的布莱克韦尔书店时,戴维•普雷斯科特(DavidPrescott,见上图)总要压抑住自己想要重新排列书籍的冲动。

    Walking around the labyrinthine 25000 sq ft Blackwell 's bookshop in the heart of Oxford , David Prescott has to restrain himself from rearranging a display .

  30. 产业增长也扩展到了艺术领域:去年末,St?del博物馆增建的32000平方英尺的地下展馆正式开张,赢得了来自世界各地的赞誉。—

    And growth extends to the art world : The 32000-square-foot underground extension at the St ? del Museum earned accolades from around the globe when it opened last year . -