
  1. 这些公司中包括一些此行业的重量级公司,如电子艺界、失眠者游戏工作室、动视暴雪和迪士尼。

    The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry , like Electronic Arts Productions , Insomniac Games , Activision and Disney .

  2. 当地政府表示,黑龙江省暴雪已导致100多个航班取消,高速路和学校也被迫关闭。

    Snowstorms in China 's northernmost province of Heilongjiang have grounded more than 100 flights and forced expressways and schools to be closed , local authorities said .

  3. 总的来说,我们正在努力打造下一代社交游戏,类似于暴雪在PC游戏上建立的产品模式。

    Overall , we 're trying to build next generation social games , akin to how Blizzard built a dominant gaming portfolio in PC gaming .

  4. 首先我要以感谢暴雪和他们在GenCon的员工们作为开始。

    I first want to start off by thanking Blizzard and its staff at Gen Con .

  5. 今年11月份,动视暴雪公司将发布《使命的召唤》系列游戏的最新一款:《使命召唤:黑色行动2》(CallofDuty:BlackOps2)。

    This November , the company will be launching the latest installment in its call of duty franchise , call of Duty : Black Ops 2 .

  6. 利用太原C波段多普勒天气雷达基数据资料和自动雨量站资料,对2006年4月11日发生在山西省的一次区域性暴雪过程进行了分析。

    By using the data of C-Wave Band Doppler weather radar and the precipitation data from AWS in Taiyuan , a regional snowstorm event occurring in Shanxi on April 11 , 2006 was analyzed .

  7. 插件是通过LUA和XML文件构成的,并且也是通过暴雪的编译机所解释和执行的。

    Addons are made up of LUA files , and XML files , both of which are also run by blizzard 's interpreter .

  8. 暴雪娱乐公司(BlizzardEntertainment)就目睹旗下《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)的付费玩家数量从今年2月份的960万减少到3月份的810万。

    Blizzard Entertainment ( ATVi ) has seen itsworld of Warcraft game subscribers shrink from 9.6 million to 8.1 million from February to march of this year .

  9. 暴雪称,之前仅在PC机上运行的巨作《暗黑破坏神3》(Diablo3)也将开始支持PS4和PS3平台。

    Blizzard announced that its PC-only blockbuster Diablo 3 would be available for the PS4 and PS3 .

  10. 暴雪的一位发言人就此事向Polygon进行了确认:“我们加入这个细节,是为了纪念我们社群中一位勇敢的成员。”

    A Blizzard representative confirmed the tribute to Polygon , saying , " We added that in remembrance of a brave member of our community . "

  11. 暴雪确认了由于MMO的开发导致下一款RTS游戏的发售延迟了。

    Blizzard confirms that development of its MMO forced slowdown in next RTS game 's release .

  12. 此刻,JAY和他的团队正在为下月的暴雪佳年华努力准备新的内容。

    At the moment Wilson and his team work on getting new content ready for the presentation at Blizzcon later this month .

  13. 去年夏天,双方业已宣布联手合作暴雪娱乐旗下《魔兽争霸III》、《星际争霸II》和战网游戏平台。

    Both companies announced a partnership on Blizzard Entertainment 's Warcraft ( R ) III , StarCraft ( R ) II , and Battle . net ( R ) gaming platform last summer .

  14. 据主人说,这场30年来罕见的大暴雪让KarlBroadbent的后院积雪达到24英尺高。据悉,这个堆砌巨型雪人耗时竟然达到6个小时,与楼齐肩。

    The heaviest snowfall for 30 years had left his garden under an incredible 24 inches .

  15. 红牛(RedBull)过去三年一直在积极拥抱电子竞技,一开始它把重点放在暴雪公司(BlizzardEntertainment)的《星际争霸2》上,后来又加入了《Dota2》。

    Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years , focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment 's StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix .

  16. 但是,目前为止不说暴雪、EA、育碧等大型游戏公司没有参展,就连西方的中小型游戏公司也很少。

    However , so far do not say Blizzard , EA , Ubisoft and other large game companies not participating , even the Western game companies rarely small .

  17. 动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)开发的《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在注册用户和最高同时在线人数方面仍然排名榜首。

    World of Warcraft by Activision Blizzard , Inc. ( ATVI ) still tops the list with the most registered players and peak simultaneous online users .

  18. CliffBryant,52岁,圣诞节前买了两张5英磅的复式彩票。他对天气下注,打赌圣诞节当天暴雪会光临英格兰北部的24个城镇。

    Cliff Bryant , 52 , had placed two5-pound accumulator bets that snow would fall on24 towns and cities across the north of England on Christmas Day .

  19. 暴雪试图平衡所有的方面,但是Chris承认在一两种情况下,某种职业总是比别的职业具有优势。

    They are trying to balance all aspects , however Chris admitted that in one or two cases , certain classes would likely always have the edge on others .

  20. 同时,艺电、动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)等游戏发行商在努力适应市场的过程中也开始力不从心。

    Game publishers EA and rival Activision Blizzard ( ATVi ) , in turn , have had mixed results trying to adapt .

  21. 我很好奇暴雪如何激励激进的玩家,或者FFA是一个老旧的游戏方式呢。

    I was wondering what incentive blizzard is looking to give to aggressive players , or if FFA is going to be a very stale , unplayed game type .

  22. 暴雪的游戏不仅包含了界内最好的游戏内涵,还拥有目前最令人惊异的CGI电影技术,用于美化计算机游戏。

    Not only do Blizzard games contain some of the best gameplay around , they also have some of the most amazing CGI cinematics ever to grace a video game .

  23. 我将为魔兽世界设计任务。暴雪的多人线上角色扮演游戏(以下都称MMORPG)以著名的魔兽系列为基础。

    Specifically , I will be designing quests for World of Warcraft , Blizzard 's MMORPG based on the popular Warcraft series .

  24. 本文还介绍了美国著名的暴雪公司诉MDY公司一案。

    The thesis also introduce the case of Blizzard vs. MDY .

  25. 随着韩国游戏开发商削减网游投资,以尝试专注于手游开发,它们在网游市场上的主导地位受到RiotGames的《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)和暴雪娱乐(BlizzardEntertainment)的《守望先锋》(Overwatch)等海外游戏的冲击。

    As Korean developers have slashedinvestment in online games to try to focus on mobile , their online dominancehas been eroded by overseas-made games such as Riot Games " Leagueof Legends and Blizzard Entertainment 's Overwatch .

  26. 而且暴雪一定会沿用CDKEY的模式,即正版附送的CDKEY才能进入战网。

    Blizzard and CDKEY will follow the model that included genuine CDKEY to enter the war net .

  27. 暴雪有提到像DOTA在他们的某种定义上并不是一个高质量的模块。

    Blizzard has mentioned that games like DOTA do not qualify as a " high-quality " mod in their definition .

  28. 结果表明:Q矢量湿锋生函数、Q矢量散度场和水汽通量散度场与青海高原暴雪区有较好的对应关系,对青海高原的降雪预报有指示作用。

    The results show that there is a good corresponding relationship between Q-vector moist frontolysis function , Q-vector divergence , vapor flux divergence and the snow-storm region of the Qinghai Plateau , and this has a good implication for the snowfall forecast in the Qinghai Plateau .

  29. 暴雪的“秘密工程”可以确定是一个新的在全新设定下的MMO,不过我们暂时不会得到更多的消息。

    Blizzard 's " secret project " confirmed to be a new MMO with a brand new universe , but we won 't hear anything about it before a while .

  30. 暴雪进军MMORPG领域后做出的第一个值得注意的贡献是将游戏简化至暗黑破坏神那样简便和容易上手。

    Blizzard 's approach to the MMORPG genre , and their immediately noticeable contribution , seems to be in simplifying the game to a level of ease-of-use comparable to Diablo .