
bào diē
  • plunge;slump;plummet;tumble;crash;steep fall;nose dive;drop sharply;break;steep fall in price
暴跌 [bào diē]
  • [slump;steep fall in price] 大幅度下跌

  • 物价在冬天暴跌

暴跌[bào diē]
  1. 由美国商业部于周三披露的另一份报告显示,一月份工厂的产品订单出现暴跌。

    A separate report from the Commerce Department on Wednesday showed that factories saw demand for their products drop sharply in January .

  2. 所以他们也没有意识到,房屋价格可能出现暴跌,或是银行使用的风险管理模型根本不适用。

    So they had no sense of the possibility of a huge break in housing prices and no sense of the fundamental inapplicability of the risk management models used in the banks .

  3. 合并消息传出,股价随即暴跌。

    Share prices took a sharp tumble following news of the merger .

  4. 政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。

    Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup .

  5. 昨天股票价格暴跌到了前所未有的最低纪录。

    Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday .

  6. 危机期间,石油价格暴跌。

    Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis .

  7. 股价从49便士暴跌到40便士的历史最低位。

    The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p .

  8. 股票价格暴跌到历史最低点。

    Share prices plummeted to an all-time low .

  9. 价格突然暴跌。

    Prices have fallen dramatically .

  10. 其他股票市值暴跌26亿英镑。

    The value of other shares nosedived by £ 2.6 billion .

  11. 该公司股票暴跌,被伦敦交易所摘牌。

    The shares dived and were delisted from the London market .

  12. 改革的必要性由于银行利润的暴跌而凸显。

    The need for change has been dramatized by plummeting bank profits .

  13. 东京股市的股价今天继续暴跌。

    Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market .

  14. 在过去的一年里,股票已从130便士暴跌到2.25便士。

    The shares have plummeted from 130p to 2.25p in the past year .

  15. 利润从770万英镑暴跌至710万英镑。

    Profits have dived from £ 7.7m to £ 7.1m

  16. 房价将继续暴跌。

    House prices will continue to spiral downwards .

  17. 股票暴跌22便士,收于338便士。

    The shares dived 22p to 338p .

  18. 价格被压低后,利润暴跌。

    Prices were undercut and profits collapsed .

  19. 净利润暴跌了41%。

    Net profits slumped by 41 %

  20. 英镑暴跌。

    Sterling went into free fall

  21. 油价暴跌。

    Oil prices fell sharply .

  22. 经济学家卡尔·温伯格认为,油价暴跌所带来的负面影响远远大于低油价所带来的积极影响。

    Economist Carl Weinberg believes the negative effects of plunging oil prices are overwhelming the positive effects of cheaper oil .

  23. 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。

    The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4 % in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4 % gain in the following three months .

  24. 钢铁价格暴跌是什么原因

    What caused the price of irons to slump ?

  25. 相反,上证综合指数(shanghaicompositeindex)本周跟随全球动荡,周一和周二累计暴跌12%,周三又反弹3%。

    Instead , the Shanghai Composite Index has tracked global volatility , shedding 12 per cent on Monday and Tuesday and rebounding 3 per cent on Wednesday .

  26. 另一家互联网公司迪蒙德传媒(DemandMedia)的业务也不稳定,初始投资者占有的股份很多,其股价在首次公开募股之后已经暴跌68%。

    Demand media ( DMD ) , another Internet company with a shaky business and lots of initial investor interest , is down 68 % since its IPO .

  27. 如果有证据显示中国经济增长出现了更大程度的放缓,即使欧佩克大幅减产,石油价格也有可能暴跌。SpencerSwartz/NeilKingJr。

    Any evidence of a sharper slowdown in China would likely send oil prices plunging even in the face of sharp OPEC cuts .

  28. 这种大宗商品价格冲击令全球需求缩减约3%,并成为大萧条(greatrecession)和股价暴跌的罪魁祸首,超出了很多人的想象。

    This commodity price shock subtracted about 3 per cent from global demand , and was more responsible for the great recession , and the precipitous decline in equities , than many people have realised .

  29. 但是该公司并没有任何营业收入,而且就在其IPO之前的一年,它的财产一度从337880美元暴跌至不到15000美元。

    But the company had no revenue and its assets had plunged to just under $ 15,000 from $ 337,880 in the year before the offering .

  30. 在IPO后几个月里阿里巴巴的股价大幅上涨,随后在2015年夏天结束前,其股价暴跌50%。

    After a vertiginous rise in the months following its IPO , Alibaba 's shares sank by 50 per cent before the summer of 2015 was out .