
  • 网络reporting period;report period;current period
  1. 和Facebook一样,在上市前的最后一个报告期内Felda的利润出现下滑。

    Like Facebook , Felda 's profits fell in the final reporting period before its listing .

  2. 本行于报告期内不存在控制关系的关联方。

    During the reporting period , the Bank does not have related parties with control .

  3. AHP的扩展运用是选取相同指标的基期与报告期数值作动态评价,将各方案时期变动额中的贡献率进行再排序。

    The extensive application of AHP is to select base-period and report-period of the same indices to do dynamic evaluation , and to form a new sequence of indices ' contribution-rate from period-change quantum .

  4. 报告期内,港元汇率一直保持稳定。

    The HK exchange rate had remained stable during the review period .

  5. 报告期的年度活跃买家达到4.39亿,同比增加14%。

    It reported 439m annual active buyers for the period , 14 per cent more than last year .

  6. 委员会获悉,尽管有大量资金流入,港元在整个报告期内一直维持稳定。

    Members noted that , despite the strong inflows , the Hong Kong dollar had remained stable throughout the report period .

  7. 税。税包括在报告期内公司向监管部分已交纳或应交纳的各种税费。

    Taxes Taxes includes all types taxes paid or expected to be payable to all jurisdictions for income earned during the period .

  8. 指建筑业企业在报告期内以货币表现的建筑业生产经营活动的最终成果。

    Refers to the final result of the activities of production and management of construction in monetary terms in the reference period .

  9. 受市场活动影响,总结馀表现波动,报告期内曾进行了几次兑换保证交易。

    The aggregate balance had been volatile , reflecting market activity , and the convertibility undertaking had been triggered on a number of occasions .

  10. ?信息披露,即企业按照特定的规范和程序,采用规定方式将报告期内的财务与非财务信息提供给信息使用者的管理制度。

    Information Disclosure refers to the enterprise , in accordance with specific norms and procedures , make their financial and non-financial information available to information users .

  11. 在获悉报告期后的市况发展后,委员会成员认为在近期土耳其危机发生的整段期间,香港市场一直保持平稳。

    Noting developments that had taken place after the reporting period , members remarked that Hong Kongs markets had remained stable throughout the recent Turkish crisis .

  12. 具体是以路桥类上市公司为例,采用熵权法进行公司报告期经营绩效的综合评价。

    Secondly , taking the highway and bridge listed companies for example , the author evaluates enterprises ' performance in report on method of entropy weigh .

  13. 销售成本:会计报告期内销售给客户的存货的原始取得成本。

    Cost of goods sold ( cost of sales ): The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period .

  14. 尽管整个报告期内港元利率一般稍高于美元利率,但港元利率维持稳定。

    Hong Kong dollar interest rates had remained stable , although they had generally maintained a modest spread above their US dollar counterparts throughout the period .

  15. 汉能薄膜表示,2014年底之后(不在此次会计报告期内),母公司已清偿了欠它的25亿港元贸易应收款项。

    The company said that after the year end , outside its accounting period , its parent had settled HK $ 2.5bn of the trade receivables owed .

  16. 报告期内,公司继续保持利润增长大于销售收入增长,销售收入增长大于销量增长的良好发展态势。

    During the reporting period , the company continued to maintain profit growth than sales growth , sales growth greater than the sales growth momentum of development .

  17. 做假账的形式多种多样,从在不同报告期内转移成本和收入,到追溯调整股票期权的执行价格,不一而足。

    This has taken many forms , from shuffling costs and revenues from one reporting period to another , to adjusting retrospectively the strike price of stock options .

  18. 如报告期内控股股东发生变更,应列明披露相关信息的指定报纸及日期。

    If the company 's controlling shareholder is changed during the report period , the newspapers where such information is disclosed and the date of disclosure shall be specified .

  19. 由于年报的发表日期在一年内是错开的,排名所用的某些数据,可能来自排名发表两年之前的报告期。

    As annual reports are staggered through the year , some of the numbers used for the rankings would relate to a period two years before publication of the ranking .

  20. 每个报告期结束时,实际成本和预测成本将与每个基准预算线项目进行比较,并编制报告显示其差异。

    At the end of each reporting period , actual and forecasted costs will be compared against each baseline budget line item , and reports will be prepared showing any variances .

  21. 若报告期公司经营活动产生的现金流量与报告期净利润存在重大差异的,公司应当解释原因。

    Where there is any significant difference between the cash flow caused by the company 's business operations and the net profits in the report period , the company shall explain reasons .

  22. 委员会获悉,报告期内货币基础的变动与用作支持货币基础的外汇储备的变动完全一致,符合货币发行局制度的原则。

    The Sub-Committee noted that , in accordance with currency board principles , changes in the monetary base during the reporting period had been fully matched by changes in the foreign reserves .

  23. 在基期和报告期的生产技术结构一致和其它假定条件下,我们给出了该系统稳定的四个充分必要条件。

    Under the condition of production technology structure between base period and report period and that of some assumptions , we put forward four sufficient and necessary conditions of the model stability .

  24. 如报告期内公司无重大诉讼、仲裁事项,应明确陈述“本年度公司无重大诉讼、仲裁事项”。

    If there is no important lawsuit and arbitration in the report period , the company shall state explicitly " the company does not have any important lawsuit or arbitration in the year " .

  25. 劳务合作营业额按报告期内向雇主提交的结算数(包括工资、加班费和奖金等)统计。

    The business income of labor service co-operation is the income in the form of wages and salaries , overtime pay , bonuses and other remuneration received from the employers during the reference period .

  26. 净利润同比增长6.13亿美元,但这只是因为去年的报告期受到一笔5.50亿美元的法律和解款项和一笔6亿美元的与英国税收相关的支出的影响。

    Net earnings increased by $ 613m from a year ago , but only because that reporting period was affected by a $ 550m legal settlement and a $ 600m charge related to UK taxes .

  27. 如主要资产计量属性在报告期内发生重大变化,应说明原因及对其公司财务状况和经营成果的影响。

    If any significant change occurs to the measurement attributes of main assets in the report period , the company shall explain reasons and their impact on the company 's financial conditions and operating results .

  28. 营林总产值应是所有立木产品的价值总和,按报告期立木产量乘以相应林价计算;

    The gross output value of silviculture should be the total value of all standing timber products , and it can be derived by multiplying standing timber production in the reporting period by relevant stumpage value .

  29. 但在本周一开始的第四季度盈利报告期之初,该珠宝集团称圣诞期间盈利不佳,而2015年的业绩不太可能令人振奋——盈利增长只能达到5%左右。

    But at the outset of fourth-quarter earnings season on Monday , the jewellery group said that holiday earnings were weak , and that 2015 was unlikely to sparkle - earnings growth may only reach mid-single digits .

  30. 政府补助切实改善了上市公司的财务状况,提高了上市公司的经营业绩,扮靓了报告期内的会计盈余,而专项补助更可在长期改善企业的营运水平和盈利能力。

    Government subsidies have bettered the financial situation of listed enterprises , improved their business performance and increased the accounting earnings during the reporting period , while special subsidies can improve operation and profitability in the long term .