
  • 网络Marine ecosystem;LMES;LargeMarineEcosystems
  1. 世界大海洋生态系研究及其国际计划

    The Research and International Plans on Global Large Marine Ecosystems

  2. 但本课题在此将其构筑成海洋法新制度的设想则是从国际法的角度进行着手的,这在之前的大海洋生态系研究中是鲜有涉及的。

    However , this issue constitutes a view under the law of the sea , proceeding from the perspective of international law , which is rarely involved in the previous study of large marine ecosystems .

  3. 黄海渔业资源的管理与大海洋生态系

    Yellow Sea Fisheries Resources Management and Large Marine Ecosystem

  4. 黄海大海洋生态系的浮游动物

    Zooplankton of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem

  5. 浮游动物生物量是海洋生态系研究的重要参数之一。

    The determination of the zooplankton biomass is the most essential part of the research on marine ecology .

  6. 海洋学数字数据系统黄海大海洋生态系监测和保护数据资料库

    Oceanographic digital data system The Database of the Monitoring and Protection of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem

  7. 由于研究手段受限,关于NO在海洋生态系中的作用和地位的研究几乎为空白。

    The study on the function and status of nitric oxide in oceanic ecological system is very scarce for being short of effective research methods .

  8. 提出了黄海大海洋生态系污染/环境及其生态效应的监测和研究方案,强调了应着重和优先研究的方面。

    Then the scheme of monitoring and studying on the pollution / enviroment and their ecological effects is proposed and the aspects with top priority are emphasized .

  9. 二叠纪&三叠纪之交的生物灭绝和环境突变是个划时代的全球性地质事件,是古生代海洋生态系破坏和中生代海洋生态系开始重建的重要转折点。

    Biotic mass extinction near the Permian-Triassic boundary with dramatic environment evolution is a globally epoch-making event , which is considered as the transitionally key point in the process from the destruction of Paleozoic marine ecosystem to the reconstruction of Mesozoic marine ecosystem .

  10. 河口、海洋生态系的研究从生物生态到生态模型,从物理过程到生物过程,以至今天着眼于物理过程和生物过程的耦合研究,其间已经历了几百年的发展历史。

    From studying on aquatic biology to studying on ecological modeling ; from physical process research to biological process research ; up to present time , studying on coupling physical processes and ecological processes of organisms , study on estuarine ecosystem has been developing for hundreds of year .

  11. 可溶性Fe对中尺度海洋围隔生态系中浮游生物群落数量变动的影响

    Effects of dissolvable Fe on quantitative variation of plankton communities in marine mesocosms

  12. 海洋围隔生态系中无机氮对浮游植物演替的影响

    Effect of inorganic nitrogen on phytoplankton succession in marine mesocosms

  13. 海洋围隔生态系中疏浚物倾倒对养殖贝类的生态效应研究

    Study on biological effects of marine dumping material on mollusks in mesocosm

  14. 海洋围隔生态系中赤潮发生前后浮游植物群落结构的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis for the structures of phytoplankton community in a marine enclosed ecosystem before and after a red tide process

  15. 陕北石油秩序柴油在海洋底栖围隔生态系中的分布及其变化

    Distribution and change of diesel oil in enclosed marine benthic ecosystem

  16. 而研究海洋中的NO对深入了解NO对海洋生态系的影响及生物氮循环过程有重要的意义。

    However , it is necessary to study nitric oxide in marine for discovering the influence of nitric oxide on oceanic ecological system and understanding the process of biological nitrogen cycle .

  17. 海洋微藻是海洋中的主要初级生产者,它们的盛衰直接或间接地影响着整个海洋生态系的生产力,因此,与渔业资源、水产养殖、环保、地质等密切相关;

    Marine microalgae are important primary producers in the sea which dominate the production of marine ecosystem directly or indirectly , and finally affect marine fish productivity , aquaculture , marine environment , and geological changes .