
  • 网络Submarine topography;seafloor topography;bottom topography;Topography of the Seafloor;Undersea Features;bottom contour
  1. 小尺度地幔对流与海底地形抬升

    Small-Scale Sub-Lithospheric Convection and Flattening of Seafloor Topography

  2. 主要是海底地形,河口区特殊地形,泥沙运移这三者与水动力的关系。

    Mainly seafloor topography , estuary special terrain , the sediment transport and water power relations .

  3. 基于多层B样条的海底地形生成方法

    Creation of Seabed Terrain Based on Multi-B Spline

  4. 基于OpenGL实现海底地形显示的研究

    A Study on Representation of Seabed Terrain Based on OpenGL

  5. 海底地形数据的格网DEM内插方法

    The Interpolation Method of Building Grid to the Data of Terrain Under Sea

  6. 在众多领域GIS都得到了广泛的应用,但GIS应用于海洋研究还相对较少,尤其在海底地形地貌的综合解释方面,还是一片空白。

    GIS is applied to many domains , but it 's less in oceanography domain , especially in benthonic terrain integrative decipher .

  7. 如何将GPS位置实时推算至海底地形点位置、获取海底测点在地理坐标系中的精确位置是一套十分复杂的计算过程。

    It is complicated procedures that how to transfer the location of GPS to accurate survey point on sea-bed in geographic coordinate system .

  8. DGPS在广西沿海海底地形测绘中的应用

    Application of DGPS to the bathymetric survey in the Guangxi offshore area

  9. 声纳测深结合DGPS方法建立海底地形模型

    Establishment for the model of submarine terrain with sonar system and DGPS

  10. 基于Haar小波的海底地形匹配方法研究

    Terrain matching based on Haar wavelet transform in sea-bottom navigation

  11. 水下运动物体及海底地形的SAR探测的初步研究(一)水下运动物体的SAR仿真影像分析

    A Preliminary Study of Detecting Undersea Moving Object and Sea Bottom Topography by the Simulated SAR Image ⅰ Analysis of undersea moving object on simulated SAR image

  12. GIS支持下近百年来闽江口海底地形地貌演变海底地貌与大陆地形不同,它一起伏不平的地形为特征。

    Seabed morphological evolution in Minjiang Estuary in recent one hundred years based on GIS tools The landscape under oceans differs from that on the earth . It features with fluctuant landforms .

  13. 不同形貌衬底上铝诱导poly-Si薄膜的制备及表征分层设色海底地形图

    Preparation and Characterization of Poly-Si Films on Different Topography Substrates by AIC

  14. 本文针对水下对接的虚拟仿真系统,利用通用的建模软件3DSTUDIOMAX建立了深潜救生艇、失事艇及海底地形的模型。

    As for the underwater virtual simulation system , the models including DSRV , disable submarine and terrain have been set up using the standard model software 3D Studio Max.

  15. 作者在采用刚盖近似并忽略海底地形和风应力的情况下,用Boussinesq方程组研究了海洋内部波动的波谱和谱函数。

    The spectrum and spectral function of the wave in ocean have been studied based on non-geostatic Boussinesq equations .

  16. 与那国岛海底地形(YonaguniMonument)位于离琉球群岛(RyukuIslands)海岸线不远处,是一处沉入水底的巨石建筑遗址,也许日本所有著名的石碑建筑中没有哪个可以与与那国岛海底地形相提并论。

    Of all the famous monuments in Japan , perhaps none is more perplexing than Yonaguni , an underwater rock formation that lies off the coast of the Ryuku Islands .

  17. 海底地形辅助导航SITAN算法中二次搜索技术

    Technique of Two Searches on SITAN Algorithm for Seabed Terrain-Aided Navigation

  18. 提出了一种用于AUV视景仿真的海洋环境中海底地形和海流的虚拟实现方法。

    One kind of virtual implement method of benthos terrain and current in the ocean environment , which was used to realize AUV visual simulation , is presented .

  19. 并提出用差分GPS配合声纳测深进行动态连续定位,从而建立海底地形模型的设想。根据水下地形测量数据检测测深仪精度及可靠性的方法探讨

    The author proposed a tentative idea about forming the model of submarine terrain by the model of DGPS combining with Sonar system . Discussion about How to Check up the Precision and Reliability of Sounding Instruments Using the Submarine Terrain Dataes

  20. 在理论分析和计算机仿真两个方面研究了虚拟阵元、FFT及内插波束形成,并探讨了对海底地形起伏、中央区波束的修正方法。

    In two sides , theoretical analysis and computer simulation , beamforming techniques of virtual sensor , FFT and interpolation were studied ; seabed undulated topography and calibration of central beam area were discussed deeply by Matlab simulation .

  21. 对海底地形匹配算法进行了研究,分别用两种常用的地形匹配算法:SITAN算法和TERCOM算法分别在海底地图上进行了仿真。

    Terrain matching algorithm for underwater navigation is studied . Two algorithms are simulated with underwater digital map respectively .

  22. 基于AUV传感器采集数据实现海底地形的可视化建模与计算机显示,是AUV地形勘测数据处理与可视化研究的关键技术之一。

    It is a key technology of data processing and visualization research in AUV terrain reconnaissance to realize the model visualization and display of seabed terrain based on measuring data of AUV sensors .

  23. 基于XVL技术的海底地形生成方法

    Seabed Terrain Generating Based on XVL Technique

  24. 1987年一群观测双髻鲨(Hammerhead)的潜水者发现了与那国岛海底地形,此后立即引起了日本学界激烈的讨论。

    It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .

  25. 解决的关键技术有:使用三维建模工具Creator进行武器实体和海底地形三维建模、基于Vega解决了对海洋水下环境的模拟、采用动态实体列表的方法实现了武器实体的动态添加等。

    The key technologies involved are : weapon entities and seabed modeling using 3D modeling tool Creator , ocean environment and the sound of weapon entities simulation developed with Vega , dynamic addition for weapon entities through the method of dynamic list of entities .

  26. 利用美国普林斯顿入学海洋模式(POM)的南海版本(SCS-POM),研究了南海海底地形对南海海流、海面高度和海温的影响。

    The South China Sea version ( SCS-POM ) of the U.S. Princeton University Ocean Model ( PO 'M ) is used to simulate the effects of the bottom topography of the South China Sea ( SCS ) on currents , sea surface heights and temperatures in this paper .

  27. 然后建立救生艇和失事艇的三维模型,并与生成的比较真实的海底地形结合,利用仿真软件Vega进行编程,生动的演示深潜救生的全过程,并且实现从不同角度的观察;

    Secondly , build up the three-dimension model of lifeboat and wrecked boat and use Vega , the 3D simulation software , to demonstrate the whole course of the lifesaving which is combined with the production of the real sea floor terrain and can be observed from different angles ;

  28. 海底地形及其变化可视模型的研究

    A study on visual models of submarine topography and its change

  29. 东海海底地形趋势分析

    Trend surface analysis of submarine relief of the East China Sea

  30. 典型海底地形下声线管束轨迹分析

    Ray tube trace in typical seabed terrain Overview of Terrain Visualization