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  1. 科学家说皮纳图博山近期可能会再次喷发。

    Scientists say Mount Pinatubo could erupt again soon .

  2. 博山出土的元末明初的玻璃基本为K2OCaOSiO2系玻璃,并采用了Cu,Fe等微量元素作为着色剂。

    While all the glasses unearthed from Boshan primarily belong to K_ ( 2 ) OCaOSiO_ ( 2 ) system , with the Cu and Fe ions as the main coloring elements .

  3. 采用外束PIXE技术对内蒙古地区和博山出土的一批古代玻璃的化学成分进行了定量测定。

    Chemical composition of the ancient glasses unearthed from Neimenggu area and Boshan was determined quantitatively by the external-beam PIXE technique .

  4. 本文以博山城区为例,利用地理变异系数法和Fisher最优分割法对所布设点位进行数理统计。

    This text takes urban area of Boshan as an example , utilize the law of geographical coefficient of variation and Fisher optimum split method to carry on mathematical statistics to the position laid .

  5. 博山陶琉振兴的十大战略

    Ten strategies to promote boshan 's ceramics and colored glaze

  6. 山东博山地下水污染研究

    Study on groundwater pollution in Boshan city , shandong Province

  7. 体系·空间·文脉&博山中心广场设计的思考

    System · space · context & the design of Boshan central square

  8. 山东博山地下水污染的数学模拟

    Mathematical simulation of fracture-karst water contamination in Boshan city , shandong Province

  9. 博山震情窗口预报效能的研究

    A study of prediction effectiveness of Boshan seismic situation window

  10. 菲律宾皮那土博山火山爆发的烟尘到达了澳大利亚的上空。

    Ash from the erupting Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines reached Australian skies .

  11. 模糊数学方法在博山区地下水水质综合评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematical Method in Comprehensive Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Boshan District

  12. 岳阳山位于淄川区和博山区的交界处。

    Mount Yueyang locates between Zichuan and Boshan .

  13. 1999年博山精工泵业有限公司被审定为山东省机械工业厅定点企业。

    Authorized it for the mechanical specially-designated factory of bureau of industry of ShanDong in1999 .

  14. 淄博市博山区地下水污染成因探讨及时空模拟

    The Origin Study and Space-time Simulation on Groundwater Pollution in Boshan District of Zibo City

  15. 故本文将结合作品,系统详细的对近代博山陶瓷装饰艺术进行研究。

    This paper will combine the works , system of modern ceramic decoration art of Boshan .

  16. 他们去了他常去的博山,在那租了一条船。

    They went to Bosham , his usual holiday haunt , where he had hired a boat .

  17. 他是内画艺术鲁派的创始人,出生在琉璃之乡&山东博山。

    He was born in Boshan , Shandong Province , the hometown of colored glaze in1874 and died in1925 .

  18. 汉风古韵山中留&博山石刻艺术园创作札记

    The Ancient Rhyme of Han Dynasty Remains in the Mountain & Design Notes of the Garden of Stone Inscription Art in Boshan

  19. 本文就以博山地区的业缘聚落为例,分析受到产业影响下的传统聚落及民居形态。

    In this paper , we took Boshan as the instance to analyze the traditional settlement and residence form influenced by local industries .

  20. 宋以前,其职能受博山自然地理条件的影响,以降雨为主,并得到了国家的认可。

    Before the Song Dynasty , her function focused on raining because of the natural geographical environment of Boshan County , which was admitted by the country .

  21. 对出土博山炉的典型墓葬进行个案分析,则可以在一定程度上还原其在现实生活中的使用情况。

    And through the analysis of the typical tombs where the mountain censers were unearthed , we can return its usage in real life to a certain degree .

  22. 尤其是近代博山陶瓷更是以讲究实用、注重装饰为宗旨,极尽陶瓷装饰之能事。

    Especially in modern Boshan ceramics is to " pay attention to practical , pay attention to the decoration " for the purpose , as the ceramic decoration feature .

  23. 博山是明清之际一位志行坚卓的遗民思想家,也是一位见解卓异、创作成绩斐然的文人。

    Fu Shan , a noble-minded , devoted-to-the-past-dynasty thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties , is also a man of letters with outstanding sagacity and fruitful literary works .

  24. 在收益回报上,达到预期目标,实现利益最大化。为博山公司在淮北地区的长期发展打下良好的基础。

    As for the income , we will try to meet the initial goal of an optimized interests , making a solid basis for the company 's development in the long run .

  25. 本文结合博山区的实际,提出了确定县级森林覆盖率指标的原则、具体指标和确定的理由;

    The principles , indices and reasons for determining the forest coverage index at county level are put forward in this paper , according to the real situation of Boshan region , Shandong province .

  26. 从2009年二月中旬到2009年六月中旬,作者在自己任教的淄博市博山区实验中学的两个平行班级进行了为期四个月共计十六周的教学实验。

    The experiment lasted for about four months , from mid-February to mid-June , 2009 , during which 112 students of senior two in Zibo Boshan District Experimental High School served as experimental subjects .

  27. 对博山移动企业文化调研、分析、解构的过程、方法、内容,对它们,尤其是对区县级移动公司,有着积极的借鉴意义和参考价值。

    The process , method and content used in the research , analysis and deconstruction of Boshan Mobile corporate culture will have very positive learning and reference value to the other enterprises , especially for the county and district level mobile companies in China .

  28. 集中供热能够节约能源、保护环境,因此,近年来我国集中供热系统发展迅速,博山区热力公司也于2000年实行了热电联产集中供热。

    The central heating can save the energy and protect the environment , so in recent years , this program in China has rapidly developed . In 2000 , Boshan Heat Company has carried out the centralized heat supply and joint prodution of heat and power .