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  1. 我的手被解开了,蒙眼布被去掉了。

    My hands were unbound and my blindfold removed .

  2. 当剩余的布被使用或卖出而剩下的布料。

    A piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold .

  3. 非织造布被广泛应用于空气及液体过滤,全球以每年高于10%的增长率迅猛发展。

    Nonwovens have been widely used in air and liquid filtration , they have more than 10 % annual growth worldwide .

  4. 尽管华纳按照的是当时最好的办法在处理这些壁画,但洞穴里很冷,那些热胶水冻了起来就没法用了,所以那些布被拿起的时候后,画色还残留在墙上。

    Although Warner followed the best practices of the time , the caves were icy , the hot glue froze and became unworkable , so pigment remained on the walls when the strips were removed .

  5. 这种布可能被当成丝绸。

    The silk cloth is possibly looked on as this kind of cloth .

  6. 布帅被问到,他觉得明星拥有特权是否公平。

    Budenholzer was asked if it was fair that a celebrity received special treatment .

  7. 短叶布枯被用作治疗前列腺肿胀、尿道感染和前列腺感染的问题。

    Buchu was used by herbalists to treats enlarged prostate , urinary-tract and prostate infections .

  8. 当你沾沾自喜喝着搅匀的马蒂,或是冰咖啡时,候殊不知你的遮羞布已经被掀掉啦。

    Unfortunately , while you smugly sip a shaken martini - uh , iced coffee - you may not realize that your cover was blown .

  9. 乌鸦张嘴对他嘎嘎叫,那是充满恐惧的刺耳呐喊,随后原本笼罩他的灰雾突然开始颤抖旋转,如同布幔被一把掀开,

    The crow opened its beak and cawed at him , a shrill scream of fear , and the grey mists shuddered and swirled around him and ripped away like a veil ,

  10. 这种布很容易被当丝绸。

    This kind of cloth might easily pass for silk .

  11. 法网恢恢,疏而不漏。三年后,布达诺夫上校被以谋杀罪判处十年监禁。

    Colonel Budanov was sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder .

  12. 非织造布自动温被的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Auto - heated Nonwovens Cover

  13. 在混合溶液中浸湿干布,擦洗被肥皂垢覆盖的地方。

    Moisten a cloth in the mixture and apply it to the soap-scummy areas .

  14. 一个较晚的人体肖像也可以在裹尸布的背面被发现。

    A posterior image of the body was found on the back of the shroud .

  15. 1945年春天,他从布痕瓦尔德被解放出来后,就永久移民到美国。

    After being liberated from Buchenwald in April of1945 , Lurie emigrated to the United States .

  16. 我们的油、布和藏红花被运到叙利亚、亚美尼亚、波斯(伊朗)和阿拉伯国家。

    Our oil , linen and saffron are carried to Syria , Armenia , Persia ( Iran ) and the Arabs .

  17. 或许有些讽刺的是,他要把自己染的布卖给那些被他认为太过物质的人,并以此为生。

    Ironically , perhaps , he survives by selling the clothing he dyes to the same people he considers too materialistic .

  18. 跟其他一些在监狱中被激进化的圣战分子不同,出生于突尼斯的布哈勒曾被判斗殴罪成立,但未被判在狱中服刑。

    Tunisia-born Bouhlel had a conviction for affray but had not been to jail , unlike some other jihadis who were radicalised in prison .

  19. 藉此,使织出成型的复合材料布具有防止被外来剪力拉扯而分离的定型效果。

    Thus , the weaved and shaped composite material cloth has the shaping effect to prevent the utility model from being pulled by foreign shearing forces and being separated .

  20. 2002年,布须曼人被赶出中央卡拉哈里动物保护区。

    In2002 , the Bushmen were evicted from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve .

  21. 三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。

    After three khaki-shorted AWB thugs were killed , the rest fled in disarray .

  22. 在布辛根领主被附近瑞士城镇的人们杀死之后,奥地利发誓不会将其交给瑞士。

    After the Lord of Busingen was killed by members of a nearby Swiss town , Austria vowed not to hand over the town to Switzerland .

  23. 作为装饰兼实用价值的艺术作品,贴布在现代室内纺织品上的运用越来越广泛,由于制作精美和观赏性强,贴布的装饰效果被艺术设计所重视。

    Decorative and practical value as a work of art , the patch in the modern interior more and more extensive use of textiles , beautifully produced and entertaining as strong decorative effect of the patch has been valued by art and design .