
  • 网络game logic
  1. 引入一种新的基于博弈逻辑的ATL分析方法,能够对日益复杂的多方电子商务协议进行建模与分析。

    A new ATL analysis method based on game logic was inducted , and it can model and analyze Multi-electronic commerce protocol .

  2. 博弈逻辑是逻辑学研究的一个崭新领域,目前处于初创时期。

    Game Logic with Preference and Its Application of the Law ;

  3. 博弈逻辑中归纳合理性问题探讨

    Rationality of Inductive Reasoning in the Game Logic

  4. 目前许多博弈逻辑的研究首先是以博弈论研究为基础的。

    At present , many Game logical implication of the study in game theory research .

  5. 博弈逻辑分演绎推理和归纳推理两种,这两种推理既有联系,又有区别;

    There are deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning in games . The two reasonings have connection and difference .

  6. 通过对推理问题的探讨,我们对博弈逻辑会有一些更深入的理解。

    By reasoning , we studied the logic of the game there will be some more in-depth understanding .

  7. 文章探讨了博弈逻辑的基本分析方法-纳什均衡分析法,并对其进行了评价。

    The author evaluates the method of Nash equilibrium and points out that it is a basic method in game logic .

  8. 麻将博弈逻辑性质之再探析&关于麻将博弈对局的性质与潘天群教授商榷

    Re-analysis of the Nature of Logic of Mahjong Game & A Disputation with Professor Pan Tian-qun on the Nature of Mahjong Game

  9. 本文的主要观点有三:(1)博弈逻辑与博弈论是密不可分的,博弈论中蕴涵着丰富的博弈逻辑。

    There are three views : Firstly , Game logic and game theory are inextricably linked , in game theory containing abundant game logics .

  10. 因而,博弈逻辑的研究对象应该定位为博弈行为或博弈行动、以及对博弈行为进行的逻辑分析。

    As a result , the research objects of the game logic should go to the game behaviors or game actions , as well as the logic analysis of the game behaviors .

  11. 博弈逻辑通过对博弈行为的分析,把握博弈过程中各博弈方相互制约、相互作用的规律,导出合理的结果并用以说明相应的实际问题。

    The game logic by the analysis of the game logic , grasping the mutual constraints and the interaction rules of in the game educes the reasonable results and illustrates the practical problems .

  12. 但是博弈逻辑如果仅限于研究博弈中的推理问题,那么它的研究领域就太窄了,不利于博弈逻辑进一步的发展。

    But if the game is limited to the logic of reasoning on the game , then it is too narrow on the field , not conducive to the further development of the game logic .

  13. 最后,我们分析了《反分裂国家法》背后所隐藏的博弈逻辑,认为可置信度是一个策略成功实施的关键,并给出了对台博弈中大陆如何提高可信度的三条建议。

    Finally , we analyze the logic hidden behind the Anti-Secession Law , and found that credibility is a key to the implementation of strategy , and give three proposals on how to improve the credibility .

  14. 博弈逻辑是理性的人在互动过程中如何合理选择策略或采取行动的逻辑。

    Game side in the game of how to act , to choose their own strategies are adopted after some of the reasoning . Secondly , the game logic is a logic of a rational one in the interactive process how to choose the strategy or take action .

  15. 工作表明基于博弈的ATL逻辑比传统的CTL更适合于描述和分析密码协议。

    These works indicate that the ATL logic based on game is more suitable to describe and analyze cryptographic protocols than traditional CTL .

  16. 对基于博弈的ATL逻辑及其在多方安全协议的形式化分析中的应用进行了研究。

    We have made some research of game-based ATL logic method and its applications in formalized analysis of multi-party security protocols .

  17. 博弈论的逻辑和认知基础

    On the Logical and Epistemic Basis of Game Theory

  18. 博弈中的逻辑推理正是逻辑思维、方法应用于博弈的尝试。

    The logic in Game is an attempt of applying logical thinking and methods to the game .

  19. 本文通过对终极博弈案例的逻辑形式刻画分析,指出消除终极博弈悖境需要寻找能同时满足各个博弈参与者的策略选择,而这样的策略选择基于终极博弈平衡点的确定。

    The article will indicate that in order to eliminate the paradox , we need to find a strategy that meet all the game players , by the logical analysis to the cases of the ultimate game , such the strategy bases on the determination of equilibrium point .

  20. 从博弈均衡分析到认知逻辑分析、交互主体认识论的发展,表明博弈论的逻辑、认知以及哲学基础的深化,预示它正在成为社会科学的统一分析框架。

    The development indicates game theory becoming an unified analysis structure for social sciences .

  21. 并且从逻辑层面上探讨了博弈思维,同时也探讨了博弈思维应符合逻辑思维原则。

    And the game thinking is discussed from the logic level , meanwhile it points out that the game thinking should be consistent with the principles of logical thinking .

  22. 文章在建立博弈模型的前提下,详细分析了博弈各方的主要策略和博弈行为的逻辑分析。

    The article in the establishment of game model , under the premise of a detailed analysis of game strategy and the major parties of the logic of the game .