
  • 网络game;the game theory
  1. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  2. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  3. 博弈论在多agent系统领域中有着广泛的运用。联盟形成是多agent系统的一个重要分支。

    Game theory is widely applied in the field of multi-agent system of which Coalition formation is an important branch .

  4. 博弈论可以划分为合作博弈(cooperativegame)和非合作博弈(non-cooperativegame),现在经济学家谈到的博弈论一般指的是非合作博弈。

    Game theory includes cooperative game and non - cooperative game , the game theory that economist now talk about generally refers to non - cooperative game .

  5. 接着应用博弈论的方法对P2P网络中的搭便车问题进行了分析,并将P2P网络中的节点行为建模成一个无限次重复的博弈。

    Then the game theory is introduced to analyze the free riding problem , and nodes ' behaviors in P2P networks are modeled as an infinite repeated game .

  6. 本文中基于博弈论理论的分配算法设计了一种使用位势博弈理论改进效用函数的频谱分配算法,此算法考虑应用于认知adhoc网络中。

    A spectrum assignment algorithm based on Potential Game Theory which gave a improvement of the utility function was proposed in a cognitive Ad Hoc network in the paper .

  7. 文章从制度经济学的层面,运用博弈论的方法来分析WTO,指出最惠国待遇原则和多边争端解决机制是WTO规则体系中最重要的制度安排;

    The paper makes analysis of the WTO on the basis of the game theory and the new institutional economics . It holds that MFN and DSM are the most important institutions of the WTO ;

  8. 引入模糊数学方法,提供柔性QoS支持;综合考虑网络提供方和用户的双方利益,采用微观经济学和博弈论方法,找到网络提供方和用户的双赢解。

    In order to support flexible QoS , fuzzy method is adopted , and to consider both network service providers and users , microeconomics and game theory are used to achieve " double win " .

  9. 文中以解决P2P系统中的欺骗为目的,通过引入博弈论思想从宏观和微观两方面对P2P系统进行分析:宏观上通过建立数学模型分析P2P系统效率下降甚至崩溃的原因;

    Uses ideas from game theory to study P2P system from macro-way and micro-way : from macro-way , build a mathematic model to find the cause of low efficiency and even collapse of some P2P system ;

  10. 论述了电力市场的合同交易机制,应用博弈论套用Stackelberg策略对合同市场建模求解。

    The contract bargaining mechanism of power market is discussed and a solution of contract market modeling based on Stackelberg strategy of game theory is presented .

  11. 运用DEA模型对高校计算机网建设投入产出的有效性进行分析;运用博弈论对高等教育信息化的资源使用和共享问题进行博弈分析。

    It uses DBA model to analyze the effectiveness of the investment output of the computer nets construction in universities and colleges , it uses chess theory to analyze the problems of the use and share of resources in the higher educational informatization .

  12. 奥曼(Aumann)在权威的《帕尔格雷夫大辞典》中的《博弈论》条中对这门学科的历史,它在八十年代中叶以前的发展成果作了精辟的介绍。继博弈论的开创者冯。

    Aumann gave incisive introductions to development results before middle period of 1980s and to history of the subject in 《 Game theory 》 of authoritative 《 Webster dictionary 》 .

  13. 本文第四章运用博弈论的夏普利值和Owen值作为分析工具,提出了产业技术创新平台运作管理中的收益,成本以及管理权力的分摊方法。

    Chapter IV of this article based on the Game Theory , uses the tools of Shapley Value and Owen Value , gives the methods of apportionment of the profits , cost and the allocation of the management authority under the operation of the industry technology innovation platform .

  14. 基于博弈论中的机制设计理论和线性供应函数均衡(LSFE)理论,设计了一种激励相容的线性供应函数激励显示机制。

    Based on mechanism design and linear supply function equilibrium ( LSFE ) of game theory , an incentive compatible mechanism called incentive revelation mechanism of linear supply function is designed .

  15. 在传统的Hotelling模型的基础上,提出了一个既包含水平差异、又包含垂直差异的竞争模型,并用博弈论的方法分别给出了在两种不同差异条件下的市场均衡点。

    On the basis of traditional Hotelling model , a new model is built including both horizontal and vertical differences . Under the condition of the two differences , the Nash equilibriums are given through the method of game theory , and thus used to analyze the impact on enterprises .

  16. 博弈论在动态竞争分析中的应用

    Applications of the Game Theory in the Analysis on Dynamic Competition

  17. 委托代理风险的多维标度与防范对策研究&来自复杂系统和博弈论的启示

    Research on the multi-dimensions analysis & solution strategy of principal-agency risk

  18. 基于博弈论的农户群体相互作用机理研究

    The Study of Farmers Groups Interaction Mechanism Base on Game Theory

  19. 基于博弈论思想的区域物流中心选址方法

    Choosing Location Method of Regional Logistics Center Based on Game Theory

  20. 多边贸易自由化与区域贸易协定:一个博弈论分析框架

    Multilateral Trade Liberalization and Regional Trade Agreement : A Game Theory Analysis

  21. 博弈论、信息经济学与会计信息失真研究

    Game Theory , Information Economics and Accounting Information Distortion Study

  22. 矿业权评估问题的博弈论浅析

    Application of game theory to assessment of mining right value

  23. 分销市场价格竞争的博弈论分析

    Analysis on the Price Competition in Distribution Using Game Theory

  24. 基于博弈论的降低市场力策略

    Strategies of mitigating the market power based on Game Theory

  25. 从博弈论看会计信息的供给与需求

    On Accounting Information Supply and Demand in the Perspective of Game Theory

  26. 审计监管与违规审计的博弈论分析

    Game theory analysis on regulation breaching audit and audit supervision

  27. 通过博弈论模型分析了联盟治理中的问题。

    The article also discussed Union Governance in the game theory model .

  28. 商品市场中介效率的博弈论分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Intermediary 's Efficiency in Commodity Market

  29. 用博弈论分析摩托罗拉网络服务的策略

    The Strategy of Motorola Network Service : Game Theory View

  30. 从进化博弈论角度分析我国新股发行制度改革

    Study on Reformation of IPO System by Evolutionary Games Theory