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bǔ jū
  • choose a place for one's home;choose a place for residence
卜居 [bǔ jū]
  • [choose a place for residence] 选择居处

  • 卜居于乡

卜居[bǔ jū]
  1. 志-命-文的对应与诠释&《卜居》八问的对话论述

    " Bo ju ": the dialogue elaboration of eight questions

  2. 卜居在那些粉红色巨大宅邸里无所事事的阔佬寓公们似乎也销声匿迹了。

    The idle rich in the big pink houses seemed to have gone underground .

  3. 《卜居》《渔父》:屈原精神困境的揭示和对自我与社会的双重固持

    A difficult position revealing of Qu Yuan spirit and a double persisting in both oneself and society

  4. 如果说《卜居》揭示了屈骚精神在现实中的困境,那么《渔父》则展示了屈子在困境中对自我精神生死以之的恪守。

    If reveals the difficult position of Qu Sao spirit in the real life , then , shows that Qu-Yuan persists in self-spirit in the difficult position form the cradle to the grave .