
  1. 本文认为在对街头摊贩占道经营的治理过程中,摊贩与城管之间的暴力事件本质上其实是城市政府其治理城市模式与摊贩生存权之间的冲突。

    This paper believes the violent clashes between watchdogs and street vendors , in essence , can be boiled down to the conflict between the city governance models and the living rights of street vendors .

  2. 城市化是一个国家通往现代化的必由之路,流动商贩作为城市化的伴生之物,占道经营也绝不是个别城市存在的问题,可以说流动商贩占道经营是全世界普遍存在的社会现象。

    For a country , urbanization is the only access to modernization . With tranters associated with urbanization , illegal street stalls business is a common social phenomenon in the world rather than a problem in some cities .