
  1. 她的生活因几年前同她以前的美术老师的偶遇改变了。

    Her life was changed by a chance meeting with her former art master a few years ago .

  2. 她们不停的问我美术老师的电话号码。

    They kept asking me for the art teacher 's number .

  3. 一位美术老师让他的学生画一幅画。

    An art teacher asks his students to draw a picture .

  4. 我在哈兰国中当美术老师。

    I 'm an art teacher at the Haluki-liki Junior High .

  5. 你肯定是李小姐,新来的美术老师,对吗?

    You must be Miss Lee the new art teacher , right ?

  6. 是,我们有一个新美术老师。

    Yes , We have a new art teacher .

  7. 我们想要一个美术老师教我们。

    We want an art teacher to teach us .

  8. 它是给我们的美术老师。

    It 's for our art teacher .

  9. 我的美术老师是琼斯太太。

    My art teacher is Mrs Jones .

  10. 这是我们新来的美术老师。

    This is our new art teacher .

  11. 最终,张晓刚和一位曾经当过美术老师的人交上了朋友,这位老师教了他水彩画的基本功。

    Eventually , Mr. Zhang befriended a former art teacher who taught him the basics of watercolors .

  12. 美术老师林恩先生的。

    Art teacher Mr Lynn .

  13. “她对她的美术老师示好,不久他们就成双成对了。”

    " She played up to her art teacher , and suddenly they were a couple . "

  14. 我的绘画是妈妈启蒙的,她为我失掉这么一个优秀的美术老师而感到非常伤感!

    She felt that it was really sad for me to lose such an excellent art teacher .

  15. 美术老师告诉我父母亲,对她的科目我显示不出任何兴趣。

    My art teacher told my parents that I have failed to manifest any interest in her subject .

  16. 他家里有很多教师,例如他哥哥就是美术老师。

    There are many teachers in his family , for example , his brother is an art teacher .

  17. 美术老师告诉孩子们绿色是由蓝黄两色混合而成的。

    It was by blue yellow second color mixture that the art instructor told the children to be green .

  18. 我的美术老师留了个关于“蓝调时期”的短评,而我的头号候选舞会舞伴突然找了个加拿大女朋友。

    My art teacher made a pithy " Blue period " comment , and my top prom prospect suddenly found a girlfriend in Canada .

  19. 我母亲是一名美术老师,她的离世非常突然,大家都震惊了,孩子们非常难过。

    My mum was an art teacher and passed away quite suddenly , which was a shock to everyone and so hard on the children .

  20. 我若说谎,怎会知道……你是美术老师你每周日都会去阿苏小吃店……

    If I was lying , how would I know this ? You 're an art teacher and you go to the Hukilau every Sunday ...

  21. 这套房子的租户、自称姓王(音)的一位中学美术老师说,平常音乐声比这个还大。

    ' It 's usually even louder than this , ' said the apartment 's tenant , Ms. Wang , a middle-school art teacher who would only give her last name .

  22. 当你观看这段由一名初中美术老师使用马克笔,在40分钟内以英国著名画家斯蒂芬·维尔特的方式绘出记忆当中的兰州城时,一定要睁大眼睛。

    Keep your eyes peeled as you watch this video showing how a secondary school art teacher used a marker pen to draw the whole city from memory in 40 minutes , in the style of famous British artist Stephen Wiltshire .