
chāo fán tuō sú
  • Extraordinary and refined;supermundane and refined
  1. 我遇到了我的梦中女孩。她真是个超凡脱俗、独一无二的人!

    I met the girl of my dreams3 – she is one in a million !

  2. iPad是一款超凡脱俗的产品。

    The iPad is an absolutely brilliant product .

  3. 加之个性化的BIOS,FREE的操作系统,体贴的软件源代码支持,更表现出超凡脱俗的气质。

    In addition individualized BIOS , the FREE operating system , the abundant source code supported , demonstrate the extraordinary and refined makings even more .

  4. MoonlitMonoLake洒满月光的莫诺湖凝灰岩,是突出在加利福尼亚州的东部雪乐山的莫诺湖面的不同寻常的岩层,以其超凡脱俗的美丽而闻名于世。

    Tufa , the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California 's Eastern Sierra , are famous for their otherworldly beauty .

  5. Etosha一词,在奥万博人(theOvambo)的语言中指的是“巨大的白色之地”,1800平方英里(4800平方公里)范围内一片波光粼粼,干燥的气温,烘烤的粘土,看起来如此的超凡脱俗。

    Etosha , whose name means " great white place " in the language of the Ovambo people , is a 1800 square-mile ( 4800 square-kilometer ) expanse of shimmering , dry , baked clay that looks suitably otherworldly .

  6. 这不是自我陶醉,而是一种超凡脱俗的人生境界。

    This is not narcissism , but an otherworldly realm of life .

  7. 他们对进口的五香熏牛肉进行了品尝,希望找到超凡脱俗的口味。

    They sampled pastrami imports , hoping for greatness .

  8. 我对她那套超凡脱俗的道德说教厌烦透了。

    I 've had enough of her high-minded moralizing .

  9. 但大多数超凡脱俗的射手都会在罚球线上砍分。

    But most transcendent scorers eat at the line .

  10. 我不希望她变得灵性化、崇高化,变得光荣非凡,超凡脱俗。

    I don 't want her spiritualized , exalted , glorified , celestial .

  11. 大峡谷是一道超凡脱俗的风景。

    The Grand Canyon is an unearthly sight .

  12. 但让自始至终都用来充当一个审美的对象——超凡脱俗,有灵性,希罕。

    But throughout Lrean is used as an aesthetic objea-spiritual , sensitive , foreign .

  13. 一眼就能看出来他是个超凡脱俗的人。

    One sight of him can tell that he is a man free from vulgarity .

  14. 她是那么纯洁而超凡脱俗。

    She is so simple and spiritual .

  15. 受尼采的影响,他觉得自己是超凡脱俗的超人。

    Influenced by Nietzsche , he viewed himself as a superman above the common herd .

  16. 她有一种超凡脱俗的美。

    She has an ethereal beauty .

  17. 白莲花是不适合共同生活的,因为她是如此超凡脱俗,不食人间烟火。

    White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity .

  18. 奥黛丽·赫本是一位不朽的好莱坞明星,赫本的传说使她变得更加超凡脱俗。

    Audrey Hepburn is an inextinguishable Hollywood star , the legend of Hepburn has outsized the woman herself .

  19. 赵是一位彬彬有礼、温文尔雅和颇为超凡脱俗的学者,而不是一个慷慨激昂的中国民族主义者。

    Mr Zhao , a courteous , gentle and rather otherworldly scholar , is no tub-thumping Chinese nationalist .

  20. 影片讲述了一个神秘的水生生物和莎莉霍金斯扮演的哑女之间超凡脱俗的爱情故事。

    An otherworldly romance between a mysterious aquatic creature and a mute girl , played by Sally Hawkins .

  21. 在唐代道教诗人的隐逸生活中,表现出超凡脱俗的时代理想和艺术化的人生追求。

    The reclusive lives of Taoist poets expressed their ideals free from vulgarity and their pursuit of artistic life .

  22. 嘉宝,二十世纪最著名的人物之一,如仙女般的神秘,超凡脱俗。

    Garbo - divine , mysterious , reclusive . One of the most famous faces of the 20th century .

  23. 人们印象中诗人是机智敏感,超凡脱俗,痴迷修辞和韵律的梦想家。

    Poets are sensitive , ethereal creatures , ineffectual dreamers obsessed with metaphors and finding the right rhythms and rhymes .

  24. 这就是我心底的色彩,一抹淡淡的孤傲与神秘,一缕超凡脱俗的优雅与恬静。

    This is the color of my heart , faint aloof and mysterious , a ray of quiet elegance and vulgarity .

  25. 诗人善于将辩证法哲理隐藏在诗意浓郁的艺术构图和形象画面中,善于捕捉和创造诗词意象,运用辩证艺术思维营构出超凡脱俗的诗美意境。

    He is good at implying the dialectic philosophy in the artistic and visual image of his poems and creating the right imagery .

  26. 让您的生活空间更具超凡脱俗的风格,享受生活从这一刻开始!

    Let your living space even had unique and free from vulgarity Of style , enjoy the life from this a moment beginning !

  27. 讨厌的是有些自认为超凡脱俗,满口羞耻仁义,大是大非面前就为利都不顾了。

    Hate is the fact that some think oneself transcendent , readily righteousness is a shame , not for profit before all regardless of .

  28. 他以习字为一种消遣,因此他的书法不但宽博厚重,而且超凡脱俗。

    He took the writing practice as a leisure activity , so his calligraphy was not only decent and solid , but also transcendent .

  29. 这些人物形象基本都有共同的气质特征:追求内在精神的贵族气质;超凡脱俗的艺术气质;满足于同性之爱的同性恋气质。

    These images basically have the same temperament : pursuit the inner noble spirit ; artistic tendencies of the spiritual ; homosexual qualities of love .

  30. 那就是它在现场表演中遇到的考验:如何既宣扬超凡脱俗的出类拔萃带来的回报,同时又保持尘世中现实的诙谐。

    That is its test in live performance : how to preach the rewards of other-worldly transcendence while retaining the earthy humour of the mortal world .