
yǒng héng
  • eternal;permanent;everlasting;perpetual;die
永恒 [yǒng héng]
  • (1) [permanent;everlasting;perpetual]∶永远不变;永远存在

  • 永恒运动

  • (2) [die]∶死亡

  • 走进了永恒

永恒[yǒng héng]
  1. 在丛生的蕨中我懂得了永恒的皮毛。

    It was among ferns I learned about eternal fur .

  2. 满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求,并赏赐他们永恒的生命。

    Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life .

  3. 在英国,天气是交谈中永恒的话题。

    The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain

  4. 每个故事都有其永恒的寓意。

    Each tale has the timeless quality of fable .

  5. 在时装界,有时似乎唯一永恒不变的东西就是不断的变化。

    In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless change

  6. 世界上其他国家仍在苦苦同永恒的贫困和债务问题作斗争。

    The rest of the world struggles on with its perpetual problems , poverty and debt .

  7. 基于对人类精神神圣性的信仰,他们认为灵魂是永恒的。

    They believe the soul is immortal , grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit .

  8. 这是个自由世界,人人都有权发表自己的意见。我们愿此永恒不变。

    It is a free world where we are all entitled to our opinions . Long may it remain so .

  9. 英勇的战士们赢得了永恒的荣誉。

    The brave soldiers earned everlasting glory .

  10. 任何东西都不能破坏我们永恒的友谊。

    Nothing can break our lasting friendship .

  11. 结婚戒指象征已婚夫妇之间永恒的爱。

    A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple .

  12. 在我们这个世界上,似乎没有东西是永恒不变的。

    In our world nothing seems constant .

  13. 我的永恒目标已经确定。

    My eternal purpose has decreed .

  14. 斯皮奥斯说,古希腊哲学家的智慧是永恒的。

    The wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers is timeless , says Soupios .

  15. 它们带着独特的永恒魅力,可能在未来的几个世纪里都会受到人们的喜爱。

    They have set themselves apart in their timeless appeal and will probably be enjoyed for centuries into the future .

  16. 研究结果似乎表明,伟大艺术家的创作和伟大科学家的发现一样是永恒的成就。

    Research findings seem to indicate that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist .

  17. 他认为,这种类型的作品反映了人性深刻而永恒的特征,可以在几个世纪内继续存在。

    Works of this type , he believed , spoke to deep and unvarying features of human nature and could continue to exist over centuries .

  18. 在1757年的一篇文章中,哲学家大卫•休谟表示,由于"品味的一般原则在人性中是一致的",一些艺术作品的价值本质上可能是永恒的。

    In a 1757 essay , the philosopher David Hume argued that because " the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature , " the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent .

  19. Z:《我心永恒》。这首歌太美了。我非常喜欢它。

    Z : My Heart Will Go On . The song is so beautiful . I like it very much .

  20. 永恒不朽的飞龙支撑着寓意着生命的淡紫色多面水晶。

    The dragon of eternity sustains the faceted heliotrope crystal of life .

  21. 绘制这样的图对天文学有永恒的价值。

    The compilation of such diagrams , is of lasting value for astronomy .

  22. 它们改变着人们将世界看作是永恒不变的观点。

    They free our minds from considering our world as fixed and immutable .

  23. 全全地球的农民们都明白季节的很重要性和永恒性。

    Farmers all over the globe knowinging the importance and immutability the seasons .

  24. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

    It becomes small as one song , as one kiss of the eternal .

  25. 决不要害怕刹那——永恒之声这样唱着。

    Never be afraid of the moments -- thus sings the voice of the everlasting3 .

  26. 人与自然如何共存?这是罗马这座永恒之城所面临的长期问题。

    How man and nature can coexist is the eternal problem of the Eternal City .

  27. 存在心理的永恒吗

    Does the mental perpetuation exist ?

  28. 我们唱着永恒的歌合:

    Forever on song we play

  29. 生命永恒的真理

    the eternal verities of life

  30. 一个在地球上活了数千年的长生不老的永恒族从藏匿处现身以对抗宿敌异常族。

    An immortal6 race that has been on Earth for thousands of years comes out of hiding to battle their nemesis7 , The Deviants .