
  • 网络American Sociology;sociology in America
  1. 在美国社会学学会(AmericanSociologicalAssociation)年度会议上,有人表示:相比于男性,女性更容易自视为双性恋,她们在二十几岁时改变性取的可能性是男性的三倍。

    The women were more likely than the men to call themselves bisexual . They were also three times more likely to change their minds about their sexuality in their 20s , the American Sociological Association 's annual conference heard .

  2. 在《美国社会学期刊》(AmericanJournalofSociology)2008年发表的一篇论文中,哈佛社会学教授罗伯特·桑普森(RobertSampson)提出,MTO项目还不如叫做搬向不平等。

    Robert Sampson , a professor of sociology at Harvard , argued in a 2008 essay published in the American Journal of Sociology that the project should have been called Moving to Inequality .

  3. 在《美国社会学期刊》(AmericanJournalofSociology)2008年发表的一篇论文中,哈佛社会学教授罗伯特·桑普森(RobertSampson)提出,MTO项目还不如叫做“搬向不平等”。

    Robert Sampson , a professor of sociology at Harvard , argued in a 2008 essay published in the American Journal of Sociology that the project should have been called " Moving to Inequality . "

  4. 这项研究采用了参与2006年某研究的约487对中低收入异性恋已婚已育夫妇的数据,其结果发表在芝加哥的美国社会学协会(AmericanSociologicalAssociation)年会上。

    The new findings , presented at the American Sociological Association 's annual meeting in Chicago , are based on data from about 487 low - to moderate-income heterosexual married couples with children who took part in a 2006 study on marriages and relationships .

  5. 从社会结构变动看美国社会学的发展动向

    Changes in social structure and new developments in American Sociology

  6. 这个研究报告在美国社会学协会第100次年会上提出。

    The study was presented at the American Sociological Association's100 th Annual Meeting .

  7. 如果娶职业女性,你将更有可能生病(《美国社会学》);

    You will be more likely to fall ill ( American Journal of Sociology ) .

  8. 美国社会学学会成员、美国斯坦福大学社会学教授迈克尔?罗森菲尔德在年会上说。

    The American Sociology Academic society members , US Standford University sociology Professor Michael Rosenfeld said at the annual meeting .

  9. “体育馆外面呈现出某种狂欢节的气氛”,他在《美国社会学杂志》上写道。

    " Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere prevails ," he wrote in The American Journal of Sociology .

  10. 罗斯科??庞德是当代美国社会学法学的主要代表人物,20世纪西方最具影响力的法学家之一。

    Roscoe Pound is one of the main representatives of contemporary American sociological law , and is one of the most influential jurists in the 20th Century .

  11. 1939年,美国社会学教授埃德温·萨瑟兰首次提出白领犯罪的概念,白领犯罪问题开始逐渐受到人们的关注。

    In 1939 , sociologist Edwin Sutherland first introduced the concept " white-collar crime " and the criminal behavior of the powerful and rich began to catch attention from academia and society .

  12. 该项研究取材于120名受访者的采访实录,并发表在《美国社会学评论》上。它首次以独特视角探寻了雇主与求职者间文化契合是否重要这一问题。

    The study , based on 120 interviews and published in the American Sociological Review , is the first investigation of its kind into whether shared culture between employers and job candidates matters .

  13. 特别是对社会现实的主观分析,受到米德与其后美国社会学象徵互动论派从他某些著作中发展出的理论的影响。

    Especially important for the analysis of the internalization of social reality , are great influenced by George Herbert Mead and some developments of his work by the so-called symbolic-interactionist School of American sociology .

  14. 但根据这项在《美国社会学评论》四月刊上发表的研究显示,如果妻子每周工作60个小时或以上,对男性辞职的几率却没有什么显著的影响。

    However , it did not significantly affect a man 's odds of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week , according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April .

  15. 康奈尔大学社会学博士生克里斯汀•穆切在她撰写的研究报告中称,男人在感觉自己的“男权”地位受到威胁后,出轨可能是他挽回尊严的一种方式。克里斯汀博士在美国社会学协会的年会上提交了该研究报告。

    Cheating may be a man 's way of trying to restore his gender identity when he feels it is under threat , Christin Munsch , a sociology at Cornell University , says in the study , which she authored and presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association .

  16. 这项研究于本周一在亚特兰大召开的美国社会学协会的年会上提交。研究显示,在家中可上网的人群中,82%的人有配偶或爱人,而在家中不能上网的人群中这一比例为62%。

    The study , which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Atlanta on Monday , showed that 82 percent of people in the study who had Internet access at home also had a spouse or romantic partner , compared to 62 percent for those who did not have Internet access .

  17. 美国体育社会学发展的历史与现状

    The History and the Present Development State of Sport Sociology in the United States

  18. 安吉丽娜•格里戈耶娃在美国旧金山社会学协会的最近一次会议上发表了该项研究。

    She presented her research at a recent meeting of American Sociological Association in San Francisco .

  19. 丹尼尔·贝尔是当代美国批判社会学和文化保守主义思潮的代表人物。

    Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America .

  20. 他们成功了。”在开罗的美国大学政治社会学教授赛德·萨德克说道。

    They succeeded , " said Said Sadek , a professor of Political Sociology at the American University in Cairo .

  21. 报告将回顾从2010年主要精彩召开的美国社会的血液学和2011年年会的美国临床肿瘤学协会。

    Presentations will review key highlights from the2010 annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology ( ASH ) and the2011 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology ( ASCO ) .

  22. 根据美国一位社会学教授的新书记载,美国单身人口的数量已创下了历史纪录,更重要的是,他们的自由支出也超过了已婚人士。

    A new book by a American sociology professor documents how a record number of Americans now live by themselves , and , what 's more , they spend more discretionary dollars than their married counterparts .

  23. 李银河,1952年生于北京,中国社会科学院社会学研究所研究员、博士生导师、美国匹兹堡大学社会学博士、北京大学社会学博士后。

    Li Yinhe , China 's first female sociologist on sex issues , was born in Beijing in 1952 . She is currently the researcher and mentor of doctorates with the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  24. 美国俄亥俄州立大学社会学副教授、克丽丝蒂?威廉姆斯(KristiWilliams)博士说,和其他的结婚人群不同,贫困的未婚妈妈不会从结婚中受益。

    The reason , said Kristi Williams , Ph.D. , an associate professor of sociology at The Ohio State University , is that marriage fails to provide the same benefits to poor , single mothers as it does for others .

  25. 美国的俄勒冈大学社会学系最为杰出的教授约翰·贝拉米·福斯特秉承了马克思主义的基本精神,对人与自然之间的关系在新的历史条件下作了新的解读。

    John Bellamy Foster , the most eminent professor of the Department of Sociology , University of Oregon in the United States adhering to the basic spirit of Marxism in a new era under the conditions of the relationship between man and nature , society and nature interpretation .

  26. 卡多佐法官是美国伟大的上诉法院法官,也是二十世纪美国社会学法学派的重要代表人物。

    Cardozo was a great common law judge of the New York State Court of Appeals , and one of important legal theorists of the American sociological jurisprudence school .