
  • 网络a pleasant dream;A beautiful dream
  1. 既有蚯蚓的勤耕,又有工蚁的奔忙。心灵的小屋,筑在美好的梦里,筑在精致的心上。

    There are both earthworms ' ploughing and worker ants ' busy work . The cabin of the soul is built in a beautiful dream , as well as in a delicate mind .

  2. 每一个新的开始,都会有一个美好的梦,就如我们最初的信仰,我们的娱乐。

    Every new start , will have a beautiful dream , just as our initial faith , our entertainment .

  3. 这是个美好的梦,但一切都取决于如果。

    It 's pleasant dream but everything depends on if .

  4. 在这里我祝愿各位网络朋友都能圆自己美好的梦!

    Here , I wish you all a round their friends network beautiful dream !

  5. 热爱艺术和文学的女孩,她也曾拥有过这样美好的梦。

    Girls love art and literature , she also has had such a wonderful dream .

  6. 对美国队总教练沙舍夫斯基来说,这是一场美好的梦,但也令他头疼不已。

    For Team USA coach Mike Krzyzewski , it 's both a dream and a headache .

  7. 约翰:不,不是白日梦,是美好的梦。

    huh ? John : No , it 's not a pipe dream , it 's a perfect dream .

  8. 昔日的梦,美好的梦,虽然从未实现,但我高兴我拥有过这些梦。

    The old dreams were good dreams , they did not work out , but I 'm glad I had them .

  9. 在吸入玫瑰香味之后几分钟把她们叫醒,几乎每个人都说做了很美好的梦。

    When awakened a few minutes after the infusion of rose air , nearly all of the women reported having pleasant dreams .

  10. 脱离自身实际的市场定位是一个美好的梦,但是永远都没有实现的可能,它只会导致组织浪费有限的资源。

    A position which divorced from actual in the market is a wonderful dream , there is not possible to achieve , it will only lead to organizational waste of limited resources .

  11. 这是我做过的最美好的白日梦了。棒极了!我觉得像是做了个美梦。

    It 's quite the nicest daydream I ever had . B : Terrific ! I feel like a million dollars .

  12. 谷歌一名员工表示,阿道斯•赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)的乌托邦远景仍是一个美好但遥远的梦。

    One Googler said Aldous Huxley 's utopian vision remained a fond and distant dream .