
  • 网络Karazhan
  1. 但卡拉赞象棋盘上的战斗目前不属于此类计划。

    The chess board encounter in Karazhan is not currently planned to be one of them though .

  2. 我们确实计划在卡拉赞设计一个象棋棋盘上的遭遇战,不过并不打算允许(或要求)玩家真的去下象棋。

    There is indeed an encounter currently planned for Karazhan that resembles a chess board , however it is not planned to actually allow ( or require ) you to play chess .

  3. 卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。

    The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career .