
  • 网络Lugol's iodine;Lugol's iodine solution
  1. [方法]通过生理盐水直接涂片法、卢戈氏碘液染色涂片法或改良抗酸染色法对3116名腹泻病人的新鲜粪便进行镜检。

    Microscope examination was carried out for fresh feces derived from 3 116 diarrhea patients by the methods of direct smear with saline , Lugol 's solution staining smear or modified acid fast staining , respectively .

  2. 1988-1990年期间,我们采用卢戈氏碘液涂片法粪检原虫,共检查16079人,查见原虫感染者2963例,其感染率为18.4%。

    Stool specimens of 16 079 persons from 32 spots were examined by iodine staining method during 1988-1990 . Among the people examined , 2 963 were positive , the overall infection rate being 18.4 % .