
guǎn dài
  • pipe racks;Guan dai
管带 [guǎn dài]
  • [Guan dai] 清末新军制,统辖一营的长官称为管带。海军的舰长亦用此称

管带[guǎn dài]
  1. AutoCADActiveX在圆管带式输送机弯曲段桁架的设计应用

    Application of AutoCAD ActiveX in Design of Truss of Pipe Belt Conveyor in Flexure Section

  2. 4-D-201催化剂插体管带压清堵

    Study on Clearing Blockage of 4-D-201 Catalyst Inserting with Pressure

  3. 通过与管片式散热器总成的对比,分析、探讨了东风牌EQ140-1型汽车上所采用的管带式散热器总成的各项维修性能。

    Based on a comparison with a tube and fin radiator , this paper discusses and analyses the repairability and maintainability of a tube and corrugated fin radiator installed on Dong Feng EQ140-1 truck .

  4. 管带式热交换器真空钎焊工艺及影响钎焊质量的因素

    Procedure and quality for vacuum brazing of tube-strip style heat exchanges

  5. 圆管带式输送机倾斜式过渡段的研究管状带式运输机及其在设计中的选用

    Study to the Inclined Transition Segment of the Pipe Belt Conveyor

  6. 圆管带式输送机运行阻力虚拟仿真试验研究

    On virtual simulation test for running resistance of pipe belt conveyor

  7. 垂直提升圆管带式输送机基本理论问题的研究

    Study on Basic Theoretical Issues of Vertical Hoist Tubing Belt Conveyor

  8. 使我能轻易扭转局势所谓的扭转局势是在她用管带

    I was able to turn the tables on her easy .

  9. 圆管带式输送机过渡段长度的确定

    How to calculate the length of transition section of tubular belt conveyor

  10. 管带式汽车散热器传热与风阻性能研究

    Performance Study on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of the Automotive Radiators

  11. 圆管带式输送机的运行阻力分析与设计计算

    Analysis , Design and Calculation to Operation Resistance of Pipe Belt Conveyor

  12. 管带式车用散热器散热特性的试验研究

    The Experimental Study on Heat Transfer performance of Tube-and-fin Radiator for Vehicles

  13. 圆管带式输送机托辊组压陷阻力的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of the sag resistance to idlers of pipe belt conveyor

  14. 圆管带式输送机的发展及其关键技术

    The development and critical techniques of the pipe belt conveyor

  15. 管带式冷凝器空气侧性能研究

    Research on Air - side Thermal Performance of Serpentine Condenser

  16. 圆管带式输送机直线段托辊间距的确定

    Determination of the roller interval in straight section for pipe belt conveyor

  17. 扁管带式输送机过渡段的仿真设计

    Simulation Design for Transition Segment of Flat-pipe Belt Conveyor

  18. 汽车空调管带式冷凝器数学模型研究

    A Study on the Mathematical Model for Serpentine Condenser in Automotive Air Conditioner

  19. 聚乙烯微灌管带材料的强韧化研究不同滴灌带在番茄栽培中的试验效果

    The Effect of Different Kinds of Drop - irrigation Tube on Tomato Cultivation

  20. 圆管带式输送机数据库系统的开发

    Development of Database System of the Pipe Belt Conveyor

  21. 圆管带式输送机机架结构的模态分析研究

    The Study of Modeling Analysis for the Frame Structure of the Pipe Conveyor

  22. 管带式冷凝器中空气参数影响的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Air Parameters Effection upon Tube-Band Condenser

  23. 日本石桥公司的圆管带式输送机

    Tubular belt conveyor of Japanese Stone Bridge Company

  24. 扁管带式输送机的楔形挤压阻力分析

    Wedge-shaped Extrusion Resistance Analysis of Flat-pipe Belt Conveyor

  25. 玻璃钢夹砂管带水软基敷设技术浅析

    Construction technology of water soft foundation by glass-steel with sand pipe and its application

  26. 通过对现有的圆管带式输送机过渡段成形理论的分析,指出了其不合理之处。

    There are limitations with existing shaping theory for transition segment on pipe belt conveyor .

  27. 圆管带式输送机设计理论的研究

    Research on Design Theory of Pipe Conveyors

  28. 轿车空调管带式冷凝器实验研究

    Serpentine Condenser Test Research of Car Air-conditioner

  29. 管带式散热器的优化设计

    Experiment of New Model Panel-Type Radiator Optimum Design of a Tube and Corrugated Fin Radiator

  30. 也介绍了使用胶粉后对橡胶的静态动态以及加工性能的影响。并列举胶粉在轮胎、管带、胶鞋及路面材料中的应用实例。

    The influence of powdered scrap on static and dynamic properties of rubber are also discussed .