
  • 网络Lu Jie;Edward Tsang Lu
  1. 前NASA宇航员卢杰为基金会的领导人。

    Former NASA astronaut Ed Lu heads the foundation .

  2. 如果可以针对作战人员展开目标明确的打击行动,也就不必进行无差别的狂轰滥炸,从而可以避免费卢杰(Falluja)或最近摩苏尔(Mosul)发生的那种惨剧。

    Targeted strikes against militants would obviate the need for indiscriminate bombing of the kind seen in Falluja or , more recently , Mosul .

  3. 卢杰在加入木偶剧院前是一名舞者。

    Lu used to be a dancer before joining the puppet theater .

  4. 这让我很有成就感。卢杰说。

    It gave me a big sense of achievement , says Lu .

  5. 卢杰每天都要练习5到6个小时,他的手指很快便磨出了水泡。

    Lu practiced five to six hours every day and his fingers blistered easily .

  6. 所以,对我来说唯一的解决方法是等&等到手指被磨出厚厚的茧子。卢杰说。

    So the only solution was for me to wait until my fingers grew thick calluses , says Lu .

  7. 卢杰表示,处理将与地球相撞的小行星相对容易。

    Dealing with an asteroid that is on a collision course with earth is the easy part , said Mr Lu .

  8. 当表演结束我们举着木偶亮相时,掌声是属于我们所有人的。卢杰说。

    When we come out with the puppets at the end of the show , the applause is for all of us , says Lu .

  9. 在完成木偶托举训练后,21岁的卢杰(音译)面临着一项更加艰巨的任务:他要学习如何用两根竹竿来控制木偶。

    After Lu Jie , 21 , completed his puppet-lifting training , he faced an even more difficult task : He had to learn to control the puppet with two bamboo sticks .

  10. 进行木偶表演时,我们待在幕后。但当木偶们开怀大笑时,我们也会开怀大笑,当他们哭泣时,我们也会哭泣,卢杰说。

    We stay behind the curtain when we perform with the puppets , but when they laugh , we laugh , and when they cry , we cry , too , says Lu .