
  1. 本周二,西南财经大学在官网上发布公告,证实卢勇是该校的一名讲座教授。

    On Tuesday , SUFE posted a statement on its official website , confirming Lu was a guest professor at the university .

  2. 在他的请求遭到拒绝后,卢勇自行占据他人的头等舱座位,并与要求他离开的乘务人员起了争执。

    After his demand was rejected , Lu sat in the first class seat of another passenger , arguing with crew members as they tried to move him .

  3. 卢勇,是西南财经大学的一名短期讲座教授,在上海飞纽约的美联航某航班起飞前,他要求升舱。

    Lu Yong , a guest professor with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics ( SUFE ) , demanded a seat upgrade prior to his United Airlines flight from Shanghai to New York Sunday afternoon .