
  • 网络the Louvre Museum;Musee du Louvre;Muse du Louvre
  1. 你可以在卢浮宫博物馆看到各个世纪的物品和绘画。

    You can see objects and paintings from different centuries in the Louvre Museum .

  2. 卢浮宫博物馆首度允许无线电视台在其有大量收藏品的中心进行实况转播。

    For the first time ever , the Louvre museum allowed a live wireless television broadcast from the heart of its vast collection .

  3. 卢浮宫博物馆馆长昂利·罗赫没错,这是卢浮宫里最大的画作之一。

    HENRI LOYRETTE , LOUVRE DIRECTOR Yes , it 's one of the biggest painting [ s ] in the Louvre .

  4. 巴黎卢浮宫博物馆馆长说,《蒙娜丽莎》的芳容正日益呈现出“老态”,同时他还宣布要对这幅有着500年历史的名画进行科学研究。

    The Mona Lisa is showing her age , museum curators in Paris said while announcing a scientific study of the500-year-old masterpiece .

  5. 卢浮宫博物馆藏有中世纪到1850年期间的西方艺术品以及此前对这类艺术产生过影响的古文明器物。

    The Louvre Museum presents collections of western art from the Middle Ages to1850 , and the antique civilisations that preceded and influenced this art .

  6. 巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆正在努力把馆内全部艺术收藏都搬上自己的网站,这样人们不用去博物馆也能欣赏到这些艺术品。

    The Louvre Museum is working on adding its entire art collection to its website so that anyone can view its works without going to the museum in Paris .

  7. 然而,网民回击称这些都是景区牟取暴利的借口,游客抱怨称,一些景点的价格比世界闻名的卢浮宫博物馆还要高。

    However , Chinese Internet users said these were excuses for profiteering , complaining that the prices of some attractions are higher than that of the world-renowned Louvre Museum .

  8. 爱情桥连接着卢浮宫博物馆和法兰西学院,原建筑是拿破仑时期的建筑师在1802年设计建造的,目前的这座桥是复制品。

    The pedestrian Pont des Arts , which links the Louvre Museum and the Institut de France , is an exact replica of one designed by Napoleon Bonaparte 's architects in 1802 .

  9. 巴黎卢浮宫美术博物馆,夜10时46分。

    Louvre Museum , Paris 10:46 P.M.

  10. 卢浮宫、乌菲齐博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)和马德里的普拉多博物馆(Prado)都销售限时门票,让游客可以免于排队。

    The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .

  11. 世界著名的卢浮宫和奥赛博物馆已关闭,以便员工能把无价艺术品转移到安全地带。

    The world-famous Louvre and Orsay museums have been shut so staff can move priceless artworks to safety .

  12. 我们还去参观了卢浮宫,这个博物馆里现在挂满了美妙绝伦的绘画,摆满了最令人叹为观止的雕塑。

    We have also been to the Louvre , a museum now full of the most beautiful paintings and statues ;

  13. 这里的许多大理石雕像早已被转移,现属于英国博物馆、卢浮宫和其他博物馆。尽管希腊政府正努力促使其回归正位。

    Many of the sculptures , referred to as the marbles , have been removed and now reside in the British Museum , the Louvre and other museums despite efforts by the Greek government to return them to their proper place .

  14. 他以极大的热情投入新的生活,在画室完成工作之余,经常去参观卢浮宫及其他艺术博物馆,并仔细临摹他最喜欢的画家提香和贝拉斯克斯的作品。

    He threw himself into his new life with tremendous enthusiasm , supplementing the work completed in coutere 's studio with frequent visits to the Louvre and other galleries , where he made careful copies of paintings of his favourite painters , Titian and velazquez .