
  1. 第二次是马克思从对工场手工业中劳动价值关系的考察,到对机器大工业中劳动价值关系的探索的转向,其标志性成果是马克思科技劳动价值论思想的萌发。

    The second turn involves the shifting from Marx 's investigation of the labor value relations in the workshop handicraft industry to those in the big machine industry , its marking achievement being the germination of Marx 's theory of value in science-technology labor .

  2. 手工业生产的劳动生产率,同半机械化、机械化生产比较,最高最低相差达三十多倍。

    The highest labour productivity in mechanized and semi-mechanized production is over thirty times the lowest in handicraft production .

  3. 商朝在生产力仍很低的情况下,用奴隶制残酷的强制手段进行生产,并使农业和手工业、体力劳动和脑力劳动更大规模的分工,从而推动了我国古代文明的发展。

    Slaves were forced to engage in production , meanwhile , divisions of labor in agriculture and handicraft , as well as in manual and mental labor developed on a large scale , which promoted the ancient civilization of China .