
shǒu rèn
  • Hand blade;stab sb. to death;kill with one's own hand
手刃[shǒu rèn]
  1. 这样就可以接近你,手刃殿下您。

    So she could get close to you and commit the murder herself .

  2. 时整以暇手刃持机枪的四人。

    And then took out four men armed with machine guns by hand .

  3. 为什么,引他出来,手刃仇敌吗

    To what ? Draw him into the open so you could take him down yourself ?

  4. 如果不手刃受羁的自我,或让普天下得到自由,我如何成为一个自由的人呢?

    And how shall I become my freer self unless I slay my burdened selves , or unless all men become free ?