
  • 网络satellite communication earth station;SCPC
  1. 卫星通信地球站UPS的选型指南

    Pattern Selection Guide for UPS of Satellite Communication Earth Station

  2. 本文通过运用java语言设计串口服务器,针对卫星通信地球站监控系统提出了一种新的实现方法。

    In this paper , I design the serial server by java language and propose a new method aim at the realization of watch and control system in satellite communication earth station .

  3. 本文系统总结了地球站天线入INTELSAT网的最新技术要求,阐述了地球站天线指标的发展趋势,指出了现代卫星通信地球站天线设计研究的方向。

    In this paper , the newest technique requirements of the earth station antennas accessing INTELSAT net are summed up systematically . Development trend of the earth station antenna specifications is expounded . Direction of design and study on modern satellite communication antenna is advanced .

  4. 国内卫星通信地球站工程设计规范

    Code for design of the domestic satellite communication earth station engineering

  5. GB/T12563-1990国内卫星通信地球站地面接口要求

    Requirements of terrestrial interface for domestic satellite communications earth stations

  6. GB/T15296-1994可搬移式卫星通信地球站设备通用技术条件

    General specification of equipments for transportable satellite communication earth station

  7. 卫星通信地球站终端技术的发展

    Development of Terminal Technique of Satellite Communication Earth Stations

  8. 卫星通信地球站微波频率合成器

    Microwave Frequency Synthesizer for Satellite Communication Earth Stations

  9. 卫星通信地球站设备安装工程施工及验收技术规范

    Technical code for construction and acceptance of equipment installation engineering for satellite communication station

  10. 卫星通信地球站天线的插值式步进极值跟踪计算机模拟

    A Computer Analogue of Interpolating Step-Tracking Method for Antennas of the Satellite Communication Earth Station

  11. 小型卫星通信地球站

    Miniature earth station for satellite communication

  12. GB/T12401-1990国内卫星通信地球站天线(含馈源网络)和伺服系统设备技术要求

    Specification of antenna ( including feed network ) and servo system used in domestic satellite communication earth stations

  13. 通过本文的研究,一个完整的机载卫星通信地球站已经初具雏形。

    Through this paper , a complete earth station for airborne satellite communication has begun to take shape .

  14. 涉及了各种不同的体制,为了充分利用各卫星通信地球站和卫星空间资源,需要研制一套卫星网络管理系统。

    A satellite communication network management system is needed for full application of resources of earth stations and satellite transponders .

  15. 便携式卫星通信地球站是一种复杂的机电一体化的产品,它集中体现了卫星通信的各类优点。

    Portable satellite communication earth station is a complicated mechatronic products , and it is with all the advantages of satellite communication .

  16. 一副卫星通信地球站天线的性能好坏,在很大程度上决定了卫星通信地球站的通信质量的好坏。

    The performance of a satellite communication earth station antenna , to a large extent , determines the satellite communication earth station communication quality .

  17. 对地面移动卫星通信地球站特点进行了分析,针对3种天线口径进行了卫星链路计算,并对计算结果进行了分析。

    This paper analyses the characteristic of land mobile satellite station , then calculates the satellite link based on three antenna diameters , and fi-nally analyses the calculation result .

  18. 卫星通信地球站是卫星通信系统的重要组成部分,监控系统是确保整个地球站正常工作的关键部分。

    Satellite communications earth station is an important component of the satellite communications system , the monitoring system is the key part to make the earth station working well .

  19. 卫星通信地球站要依靠无线电波来工作,需要实现无线电波的辐射和接收,我们把辐射和接收无线电波的装置称为天线。

    Satellite communication earth station relys on radio waves to work and needs to achieve the radiation and reception of radio waves . The device that radiates and receives radio waves is known as " antenna " .

  20. 卫星通信地球站通过与地球同步轨道通信卫星的链路形成卫星通信网络,目前随着卫星通信技术的发展,国内外市场对卫星通信地球站提出了越来越高的要求,机载卫星通信地球站应运而生。

    A satellite communication network can be formed by the link between a satellite communication earth station and a geosynchronous orbit communications satellite . With the development of satellite communication technology , both the domestic and international markets make higher request to satellite communication earth station .

  21. Ka频段抗干扰卫星通信系统地球站射频单元研究

    The Research of Ground Station RF Units in the Ka-band Communication System

  22. 室外单元(OutDoorUnit,ODU)是卫星通信系统地球站的主要设备之一。

    ODU ( Out Door Unit ) is one of the main equipment in satellite communication system earth station .

  23. 我院建成航空卫星通信实验地球站

    The CAIC Constructed Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Communication Trial Earth Station

  24. 卫星移动通信地球站天线发展综述

    Survey of Earth Station Antennas for Mobile Satellite Communications

  25. Ku频段卫星通信技术在地球站工程设计中的应用

    The Application of Ku Band Satellite Communication Technology to Earth Station Project Design

  26. GB/T15869-1995卫星通信船载地球站码分多址通信设备通用技术条件

    General specification of satellite communication earth station for shipborne communication equipment for CDMA

  27. 随着广电行业和电信行业的发展,人们对卫星通信的需求日益增长,便携式卫星通信地球站因其携带方便、组网灵活的优点也得到了广泛应用。

    With the development of the broadcasting industry and the telecommunications industry , the demand of satellite communications is growing . Portable satellite communication earth station also been widely used .

  28. 介绍了降雨对Ku频段卫星通信传输系统的影响;分析了有关Ku频段卫星通信地球站工程设计中需要考虑的有关技术问题。

    It introduces the effects of rain on Ku band satellite communication transmission system , analyses the technical problems that should be considered in Ku band satellite communication earth station project design .