
  • 网络Hygiene hypothesis
  1. 这个实验检测一个卫生假说。

    The study tests what 's called the hygiene hypothesis .

  2. 卫生假说的免疫学机制在哮喘防治中的研究进展

    Advancement of immunologic mechanisms of hygiene hypothesis in prevention and treatment of asthma

  3. 根据“卫生假说”,人类的免疫系统进化的目的就在于对付微生物肆虐的世界。

    According to the " hygiene hypothesis ", our immune system evolved to handle a germ-laden world .

  4. 支气管哮喘和卫生假说

    Asthma and Hygiene Hypothesis

  5. 根据卫生假说理论,现代人之所以哮喘等过敏疾病高发,都是因为我们在日常生活中与细菌接触不够。

    According to the hygiene hypothesis , increasing prevalence of allergies such as asthma are caused because we are not exposed to enough germs in our daily life .

  6. 这个观点被称为卫生假说,它认为在特别干净的环境中养大的孩子更加难以对无关紧要的威胁产生免疫力。

    The idea , known as the hygiene hypothesis , is that children raised in particularly sanitized environments are less likely to develop an immune tolerance to trivial threats .

  7. 根据“卫生假说”理论,现代人之所以哮喘等过敏疾病高发,都是因为我们在日常生活中与细菌接触不够。

    According to the ' hygiene hypothesis , " increasing prevalence of allergies such as asthma are caused because we are not exposed to enough germs in our daily life .

  8. 卫生假说认为,现代的卫生措施,导致了接触传染性病原体的缺乏,这对免疫系统的正常发育是重要的。

    The hygiene hypothesis states that modern hygiene measures have led to a lack of exposure to infectious agents , which is important for the normal maturation of the immune system .

  9. 卫生假说的支持者称,这在很大程度上解释了为什么在工业化国家,人们暴露于感染性介质和细菌的机会变少了,而过敏和哮喘的比例却猛涨。

    Proponents of the hygiene hypothesis say it explains , in large part , why allergy and asthma rates have skyrocketed in industrialized countries as exposure to infectious agents and germs has declined .

  10. 研究目的:支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是一种由多种炎症细胞和炎症因子参与的慢性气道炎症性疾病,卫生假说并不能解释所有的哮喘现象。

    Objectives : Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation , many inflammatory cells and inflammatory factors contributed to its development . " Hygiene hypothesis " can only partially explain the increasing incidence rate of asthma .