
wèi shēnɡ suǒ
  • small clinic attached to a school/factory/etc.;public health clinic
  1. 如果患者的化验结果为阴性,Ros就会将他们转诊到当地卫生所。

    If patients test negative , Ros refers them to the local health centre .

  2. 森索潘(SoeunSophath)是罗卡村公办卫生所的副主任,这个诊所中配有护士。森索潘表示,情况不妙的第一个迹象出现在去年8月。当时,他们做常规的孕妇HIV筛查,发现有一例结果呈阳性。

    Soeun Sophath , the deputy head of the government health clinic in the village , which is staffed with nurses , said the first sign that something was wrong here came in August , when a routine H.I.V. screening of a pregnant woman came back positive .

  3. Gajraj说,现在的计划是把卫生所作为样板来推广,并使其符合当地情况。

    Gajraj says the intention now is to use the clinics as a model to replicate , adapting it to local context .

  4. 世界银行驻索马里的国别业务官员PriyaGajraj说,在这漫长的一年当中,地方社区在没有外部国际援助的情况下,保持了卫生所的运转。

    And for that long year , Priya Gajraj , the World Bank 's country officer for Somalia , says the local community kept the doors of its health clinic open & without outside international assistance .

  5. 首选医院:村卫生所占61.50%。

    The first choice for treatment was village clinic ( 61.50 % );

  6. 唐大爷去了趟卫生所,拿了些药,药是免费的。

    He went to the clinic to get some drugs for free .

  7. 加强对分院、卫生所的管理;

    Emphasis is laid on the management of the branches and health stations .

  8. 到卫生所去要开几个小时的车。

    To get to the clinic you have to drive for several hours .

  9. 在南非,只有在一些私人卫生所才提供这些治疗。

    In South Africa , they are only available through the private health sector .

  10. 她总是被个人卫生所困扰。

    She is obsessed with personal hygiene .

  11. 将来,这所耸立在村口的卫生所要担任起为村民提供免费医疗和推广卫生知识的任务。

    The sub-health center will provide free medical services and promote health related knowledge to the villagers .

  12. 本研究旨在了解泰雅族人使用卫生所服务之行为,并探讨健康讯息接受管道以及其间的关系。

    This study explores the Atayal people 's use of health clinic services and medical information channels .

  13. 要获得该笔款项,就必须满足一个条件,那就是吉尔定期带儿子到卫生所进行检查。

    It 's provided on the condition that Gil takes him for regular visits to a health clinic .

  14. 加强村卫生所建设缓解农民看病难、看病贵

    Strengthening the Construction of Village Clinics to Alleviate Farmer 's Difficulty and High Cost in Getting Medical Service

  15. 在受灾最严重的伊洛瓦底江三角洲,大约75%的医院和卫生所被摧毁或严重损坏。

    About 75 percent of hospitals and clinics in the hard-hit Irawaddy Delta were destroyed or badly damaged .

  16. 村卫生所实行乡办乡管是发展壮大村级卫生组织的有效途径

    Carrying out the Town run in Village Clinic is an Effective Way to Develop and Strengthen the Village Health Organization

  17. 当地卫生所和医院在今后两周将加强对流感样疾病和严重急性呼吸道感染的监测。

    There is enhanced surveillance for ILI and SARI in the local health centre and hospital for a further two weeks .

  18. 相比之下,使用显微镜检查的中心、卫生所和地方治疗中心的电力供应常常不稳定,而且温度也会变化。

    In contrast , microscopy centres , health posts and local treatment centres often have erratic power supplies and variable temperatures .

  19. 为符合政府条件的卫生所提供的现金支付,增加了孕产妇和儿童医疗服务的利用和质量。

    Cash payments to clinics that meet government criteria result in increased use and quality of maternal and child health services .

  20. 二级医院合格率为88.09%,农村卫生所和个体诊所合格率为74.5%。

    The eligible rate of second-grade hospital was 88.09 % and that of the village health station and private clinics was 74.5 % .

  21. 该计划提供的资本类赠款被用于向农户提供化肥,帮助妇女创办小企业,修建教室和卫生所。

    Small capital grants used to provide fertilizer to farmers , help women set up small businesses , build classrooms and health posts .

  22. 第二点他们最后来到的是卫生所因为他们知道我在这方面经验颇丰

    Second point , they ended it at the health clinic cause they knew I 've done a lot of work in this area

  23. 职业卫生所实际职业卫生与职业病预防、科研、管理于一体的职业病防治专业技术服务机构。

    Institute of Occupational Hygiene is a special and technical organization in which prevention and cure occupational disease are integrated with research and supervision .

  24. 婴儿患病后的就诊单位以村卫生所和乡卫生院为主。婴儿死亡主要发生于家中。

    Their parents immediately sought medical assistance for them in the clinics of the village and nearby townships when the infants showed signs of illness .

  25. 如果没有卫生所,当地人就只能使用传统的医疗方法,或求助于常常销售过期或不当药物的私人药铺。

    Without a health clinic , local people use traditional healers , or resort to private pharmacies where expired or inappriate drugs are often sold .

  26. 没有证据表明在当地卫生所中流感样疾病病例有所增加或该村中严重急性呼吸道感染病例数有所增加。

    There is no evidence of increased ILI activity in the local health centre or any increase in number of SARI cases from the affected village .

  27. 政府所开展的抗击艾滋病项目深得民心,这些避孕套就是该项目提供的,将在卫生所和公共广场、舞会等场所分发。

    The condoms , provided under the governments acclaimed anti-AIDS program , will be given out at health clinics and in sites like public squares and dances .

  28. 他在附近的卫生所和拜林省医院接受过基本培训,这些地方还为他提供了药品和诊断工具。

    He received a basic training at a nearby health centre and in the Pailin provincial hospital , where he was also supplied with medicines and diagnostic tests .

  29. 门诊服务利用主要集中在营卫生所、团卫生队及师医院,分别占45.86%、29.28%、8.29%。

    The clinic visits were mainly in battalion medical corpsmen ( 45.86 % ), regiment medical companies ( 29.28 % ) and division hospitals ( 8.29 % ) .

  30. 这个卫生所不仅有门诊部和实验室,还有一个牲口圈,以便就诊者安置他们的牲口。

    It 's a health clinic that comes not only with a clinic and laboratory , but also with an enclosure so visitors to the clinic can house their livestock .