
wèi shēnɡ jiǎn yàn
  • Hygienic inspection;sanitary inspection
  1. 应用Access数据库建立的一种卫生检验数据管理系统

    Application of Access Database to Establish a Data Administration System for Hygienic Detection

  2. NET平台上的分布式Web应用系统技术和XML技术,进行了一个卫生检验实验室信息管理系统的实现。

    NET platform to realize a sanitation test lab information management system .

  3. 本文介绍了一种基于三磷酸腺甙(Adenosinetriphosphate,ATP)生物发光技术测定液体试样中微生物含量的食品卫生检验仪器。

    A new food hygiene detecting instrument is introduced , which makes use of adenosine triphosphate , bioluminescence technique to examine the content of microbe in the liquid sample under test .

  4. 利用微波技术研究了不同作用时间、不同微波功率对绿茶饮料的灭菌效果。结果表明,在700W功率下,随着灭菌时间延长,卫生检验趋向合格同时茶汤色泽加深。

    We studied sterilizing effect on gree tea drink by microwave technology under different time and power .

  5. 潍坊市卫生检验人员现状调查分析

    Survey of the Status of Health Laboratory Staff in Weifang City

  6. 军队战时饮水卫生检验盒

    Hygienic examination kit of drinking water for the army in wartime

  7. 卫生检验理化实验室常用的内部质量控制方法

    Commonly used internal quality control methods for sanitary test physical-chemical laboratories

  8. 食品卫生检验专业实践教学体系的研究

    Research on practical teaching system in food hygiene quarantine speciality

  9. 本文对《食品卫生检验方法理化部分》进行评述。

    This paper makes comment on physico-chemical portion of food hygiene examination .

  10. 动植物卫生检验局〔美国〕

    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [ United States ]

  11. 基于科学探究的卫生检验实验教学改革

    Experiment teaching reform in hygienic verification based on science inquisition

  12. 畜禽注水肉的特征与卫生检验

    Water - injected Meat : Characteristic and Hygienic Inspection

  13. 数据挖掘在口岸卫生检验检疫中的应用分析

    Analyze the application of data mining in fields of port inspection and quarantine

  14. 稳定同位素及其在卫生检验中的应用

    Stable isotope and its application in healthy laboratory technology

  15. 室内空气中四氯乙烯卫生检验标准方法的研制

    Development of Hygienic Inspect Method for Indoor Air Tetrachloroethylene

  16. 现代离子色谱的最新进展及在卫生检验中的应用

    The New Development and Application in the Sanitation Examination in Modern Ion Chromatography

  17. 卫生检验教学中实验探究的实施策略

    Implementation strategies of experiment inquisition in healthy inspection teaching

  18. 基层卫生检验中心质量保证体系的建设

    Construction of quality assurance system at the grass roots centers for hygienic tests

  19. 猪弓形虫病兽医卫生检验的试验研究

    A Veterinary Hygiene Inspection Study of Swine Toxoplasmosis

  20. 男性卫生检验人员仅为46人,占33.58%;

    There are only 46 male laboratory workers accounting for 33.58 % of all .

  21. 本品经卫生检验符合国家卫生标准。

    Our product has undergone national hygiene tests and has met the required standards .

  22. 《肉品卫生检验试行规程》存在的问题及对其修订的建议

    Problems in Trial Regulation on Hygienic Examination of Meat an Suggestion on its Revision

  23. 关于开设卫生检验及检疫技术专业的思考

    Thought on Opening the Specialty of Hygienic Examination and the Specialty of Quarantine Technology

  24. 海南省基层卫生检验资源现状调查

    Survey of current status of hygienic test resources at grassroots levels in Hainan Province

  25. 卫生检验专业《细菌学检验》实验教学改革的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice on experiment teaching reform of bacteriological examination in sanitary examination specialty

  26. 卫生检验报告书的规范化问题

    Issues of Normalization of Sanitary Inspection Report

  27. 2001~2003年广东省疾控机构卫生检验能力验证结果评价

    Assessment on health test proficiency of disease control and prevention agency in Guangdong , 2001-2003

  28. 中国卫生检验杂志。

    Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology .

  29. GBT5009&2003《食品卫生检验方法》理化部分简介

    Introduction of GB / T 5009 & 2003 Methods of Food Hygienic Analysis-physical and chemical section

  30. 与食品接触的材料和包装容器(包括日用陶瓷)的卫生检验;

    Sanitation testing for material and container ( including chinaware ) which contacts with food directly .