
  • 网络health information;health informatics
  1. PKI在医疗卫生信息系统中的应用

    Application of PKI in Medical and Health Information System

  2. 流言和错误的信息充斥农村社区,那里象Sam一样的男人实际上不能获得卫生信息。

    Myths and misinformation abound in rural communities where men like Sam have virtually no access to health information .

  3. 动作(Act)的概念在卫生信息模型中扮演了主要角色,它是构成HL7V3RIM的重要组成部分。

    The concept of act played an important role in information model . It is main portion of HL7 V3 RIM .

  4. 应用国家卫生信息数据模型建立社区卫生信息数据模型,采用简单的层级结构,每一个域(domain)由亚域(sub-domain)组成。

    We establish CHS information data model applying the national health information data model , use simple layer structure . Each domain composes of sub-domain .

  5. 美国卫生信息传输标准HL7(HealthLevelSeven)规范了医疗信息数据传输格式,能够降低医疗信息系统互联成本,提高系统间信息共享程度。

    American Health Information transmission standard HL7 ( Health Level Seven ) regulate the medical information data transmission format , can reduce medical information system interconnection costs , improve the degree of information sharing between systems .

  6. 另一个主要动力是发展计算机化的卫生信息系统,这需要按照ICD对患者电子病历进行分类。

    Another key driver is the development of computerized health information systems that require classifying electronic patient records according to the ICD .

  7. 要根据社区卫生信息数据模型的实体分类,将每个用户视图中的基本数据项逐一归类,并以UML对象图表示。

    We must classify the elementary data item one by one in every user view according to the entity classification of community health information conceptual data model , and then demonstrate them with UML object graph .

  8. 通过引入最小数据集的概念,对这些疾病的模板进行约束和定义,设计适合卫生信息系统的,易于管理的、可以跨平台应用的XML界面模板表示方法。

    These diseases templates are restricted and defined by introducing the minimum data sets conception . Then , the author designs the XML expression of the template which is suit to health information system , easy to managed and can cross the computer platform .

  9. 阐述了公共卫生信息系统的五级网络数据互通与共享方式,及如何采用虚拟专用网(VPN)技术的三种解决方案来实现公共网络的专用。

    Authors have described the data communication and sharing of five levels network of Public Health Information System , and how to apply three schemes of VPN technique to realize the appropriation of the public network .

  10. HIS和RIS应用后,卫生信息数据量呈几何倍速度增加,大量的历史数据被管理存储在服务器里上。

    After the application of HIS and RIS , the health information data have increased exponentially and a large number of historical data are stored on the server .

  11. 依据区域性卫生信息系统框架结构,提出了应用数据服务中间件技术来实现其三层架构之间的数据与事务的处理,具体运用了Microsoft的COM+技术来构建与实现数据服务中间件。

    According to the three-layer architecture of our system , we introduce the Data Access Middleware into our system to deal with the data and transactions between the three layers . We concretely implement it with the COM + technology of Microsoft .

  12. 本文利用SPSS软件对吉林省卫生信息研究所1999~2004年完成的919项医药卫生查新检索项目进行情报学分析,旨在探讨查新检索工作的重要性及其与科研工作的关系。

    The paper have made information science analysis and evaluation on retrieval of 919 item of medical hygiene from 1999 ~ 2004 in Jilin province by SPSS , in order to discuss the relation between retrieval and science research .

  13. 设立CIO,能够克服卫生信息管理中存在的诸多问题,加强我国卫生信息管理,促进我国的医疗卫生信息化建设。

    The creation of CIO position can solve many problems involved in the health information management , so as to strengthen its management and speed up the health informationization development in China .

  14. Elbes说,通过社会媒体保护正确的公共卫生信息和建议是可能的。

    Elbes says that it is possible to protect sound public health information and advice via social media .

  15. 塞拉利昂地区卫生信息系统(DHIS)记录了全国数百个社区卫生中心的数据。

    Sierra Leone 's district health information system ( DHIS ) captures data from hundreds of community health centres across the country .

  16. 中国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)已经建成了对37种法定传染性疾病的实时网络监测系统,这是中国疾病预防控制以及公共卫生信息系统国家网络的重要组成部分。

    As one of the most important parts of the National Network for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Information System in China , a real-time web-based disease surveillance system to monitor 36 modifiable diseases is recently developed in Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention .

  17. 我国卫生信息编码标准化可利用的标准代码体系

    Usable Code Systems for Standardization of Health Information Coding in China

  18. 医药卫生信息传播的伦理学原则

    Ethical Discussion About the Media 's Disseminate of Medical Sanitation Information

  19. 新时期公共卫生信息体系的建设与实践

    Construction and Implementation of Public Health Information System in New Period

  20. 以标准化健康档案为核心的社区卫生信息系统模式

    Community Health Information System Based on the Standard Electronic Health Record

  21. 区域卫生信息交换数据集的构建方法研究

    The Method Research for Structuring Regional Health Information Exchange Data Sets

  22. 山西省全面构建公共卫生信息网络的思考

    Pondering on establishment of public health information network in Shanxi province

  23. 妇幼卫生信息系统网络建设初探

    Preliminary study on network construction of women and children hygiene information system

  24. 门诊部卫生信息系统的特点;

    The characteristic of the hygienic information management system in the policlinic ;

  25. 在许多情况下,基本卫生信息都无从获取。

    In many cases , basic health information is simply not available .

  26. 军队卫生信息数据集和数据元的标准化

    Standardization of dataset and data element of military health information

  27. 论信息时代医药卫生信息质量

    On medical and health information quality in the information era

  28. 基于网格技术的区域性卫生信息系统的研究

    The Research of the Regional Health Information System Based on Grid Computing

  29. 中国部分地区妇幼卫生信息系统的现状分析

    The present situation analysis of MCH information system in Chinese part region

  30. 浅谈网络卫生信息管理的几个问题

    Discussion on several issues of health information management in internet