
  • 网络gps;GPS GIS
  1. 基于卫星定位技术的车辆横向稳定性参数的测量

    Measurement of Vehicle 's Lateral Stability Parameters Based on GPS System

  2. 公路测量中的卫星定位技术

    GPS Technology in Highway Surveying

  3. GPS卫星定位技术在民用领域有着非常广阔的前景。

    GPS satellite navigation technique has endless future in civilian field .

  4. 利用GPS卫星定位技术对疏浚工程船舶进行施工定位

    Construction Positioning for Dredging Vessels by GPS Satellite Positioning Technique

  5. GPS全球卫星定位技术的发展现状、动态及应用

    The Development Status , Dynamics and Applications of the Global Positioning System

  6. GPS卫星定位技术,是开展海洋综合测绘的一种高效手段;

    GPS satellite positioning is an efficient way for accurately surveying and mapping at sea .

  7. GPS卫星定位技术在矿山中的应用

    Application of GPS technology in mining industry

  8. GPS(全球定位系统)卫星定位技术利用人造地球卫星,确定地面点的空间位置。

    GPS is the technology which use the satellite to measure the 3D coordination of spatial points .

  9. GPS精密卫星定位技术在福建沿海及台湾海峡地球动力学特征应用研究中的进展

    The advance of exact satellite measure location technique ( GPS ) applied on geodynamical characteristics in Fujian province

  10. GPS卫星定位技术的发展导致了测绘行业一场深刻的技术革命。

    The development of GPS has resulted in a profound technological transformation in the field of surveying and mapping .

  11. 随着GPS在全球的普及应用,卫星定位技术正在成为研究的热点。

    As GPS is used widely around the world , Satellite positioning technology is becoming a hot spot of satellite application technology .

  12. 差分GPS伪卫星定位技术能有效克服误差,大大提高了定位精度。

    This paper presents Differential GPS Positioning for Pseudo Satellite as an effective measure of wiping out the errors and improving location precision .

  13. 遥感区域大小对空间配准及蓄积估测的影响,GPS卫星定位技术在蓄积估测中的应用;

    The influence of remote sensing region size to spatial calibration and stock estimation , the function of GPS positioning technology in stock estimation .

  14. 车载智能终端系统是融全球卫星定位技术(GPS)和无线网络通信技术于一体的高科技系统。

    The vehicle intelligent terminal system is a high-technology system which amalgamates the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) with the wireless-network communication technology .

  15. 本文基于现代交通管理的高要求,提出应用GPS全球卫星定位技术进行车辆调度管理。

    Base on the requirement of modern traffic management , The technology of Navstar Global Positioning System is applied in vehicle management in the paper .

  16. 大坝外部变形监测方法采用了多测站边角交会和直接水准法、低测量机器人观测法、GPS卫星定位技术等。

    The methods of multi-measuring stations side angular intersection , direct leveling , Total Station Classical Automatic Target Recognition and GPS ( Global Positioning System ) etc.

  17. 第一章是绪论,介绍了卫星定位技术的发展概况以及卫星定位系统的分类,同时也介绍了GPS干扰对抗技术。

    Chapter 1 is the preface , which concisely introduces the development of the satellite navigation 、 classification of satellite navigation system and GPS interference technology .

  18. 介绍应用全球卫星定位技术(GPS)实施建筑工程施工基准定位的方法,并结合工程实例就作业方法作了阐述。

    In this article , authors introduce the primary position method in building construction with Global Position System , and the operation method with a practical example .

  19. 选择比较先进的GPS卫星定位技术及静态差分算法作为滑坡监测的手段和解算方法。

    The thesis aims at select advanced GPS technology and static differential arithmetic as one of our monitoring methods in order to break the limitations of traditional landslide monitoring methods .

  20. GPS卫星定位技术的日趋成熟、普及以及应用产品成本的下降,使得对多个目标的实时监控成为可能。

    GPS satellite positioning technology has become more and more matured universal , and its product price is decreasing as well , which makes the real-time monitoring of multiple targets become possible .

  21. 采用GPS卫星定位技术与GPRS通用分组无线业务相结合,实现对移动车辆的全天候的监控、报警、指挥和调度的功能。

    Adopt GPS satellite location technology to combine with GPRS GPRS , realizes it to moving all-weather control of the vehicle , function called the police , commanded and managed .

  22. 该仪器利用了GPS全球卫星定位技术、计算机技术和传感器技术,所研制测试仪系统解决了目前便携式轨道测试仪系统存在的主要缺陷,取得了令客户满意的结果。

    This instrument using the position technology of GPS and computer technology and sensor technology has solved the main limitations of the portable railway detecting instrument system used today . The thesis has seven chapters .

  23. 随着卫星定位技术、地理信息系统、移动通信技术以及计算机网络技术的广泛应用,作为智能交通系统重要组成部分的GPS车辆监控系统也得到了迅速的发展。

    With the widespread application of satellites positioning technology , GIS , mobile communication technology and computer network technology , The GPS Vehicle Monitoring System has gotten a high speed development which is an important part of Intelligent Transportation System .

  24. 系统充分利用GPS卫星定位技术、无线通讯技术、计算机网络技术、警用地理信息平台,实现对持有手持对讲机的警员,进行实时的监督管理和警务调度。

    This system takes sufficient advantage of GPS technology , radio communication technology , computer network technology , geographic information platform for police use and thus realize the real-time supervision management and police regulation for those policeman with the portable phone .

  25. GPS卫星定位技术因其定位精度高、全天候工作、操作方便等优点,已在大型土木工程结构健康监测领域得到成功应用。

    Because the technology of GPS satellite positioning has many advantages , such as its high positioning accuracy , all-weather work , easy of operation and so on , it has been successfully applied in structural health monitoring domain of large-scale civil engineering .

  26. 利用GPS全球卫星定位技术、无线通信技术、计算机网络与数据库技术等现代信息化手段,将公务用车管理纳入电子监察系统,建立快捷高效的公务用车管理信息系统平台。

    GPS global satellite positioning technology , wireless communication technology , computer network and database technology and other modern means of information , official vehicles management into the electronic monitoring system , establishment of efficient cars for official use management information system platform .

  27. 研究了基于卫星定位技术的水下移动目标定位原理,分析了目标的实时定位算法,提出了一种基于GPS技术、DSP技术和无线通信技术的水下合作目标监控系统设计方案。

    The position theory of underwater mobile vehicle based on satellite positioning technology is studied , and the vehicle positioning algorithm is analyzed too . A design of underwater cooperant beacon monitoring system based on DSP , GPS and wireless communication technology is introduced .

  28. C-GPS协同式卫星定位技术研究

    Study of the C-GPS Cooperative GPS Satellite Location Technology

  29. 本论文以该监控系统的各项核心技术为主线,详细论述了GPS-GIS嵌入式报警系统所涉及的基本原理和实现方法,包括:GPS全球卫星定位技术、GPRS网移动通讯技术和GIS地理信系统。

    In this paper , the monitoring system to the core technology the main line , discusses in detail GPS-GIS embedded alarm system covered by the basic principles and methods , Including : GPS global satellite positioning technology , GPRS network mobile communication technology and GIS Geographic Information System .

  30. CORS-RTK是整个CORS系统中最重要的应用,是集计算机技术、网络技术、通讯技术、卫星定位技术于一体的实时差分定位技术。

    CORS-RTK is the most important application of CORS system , it is a real-time differential positioning technology integrating with computer technology , network technology , communication technology and satellite positioning technology .