
  • 网络Hygienic;sanitation
  1. 应注意食品包装的卫生性

    Should pay attention to the sanitation of food packaging

  2. 劳动心理学(二)服装卫生性探讨铁路局劳卫社保管理信息系统的设计

    Design on Management Information System for Labor and Sanitation and Social Insurance of Railway Administration

  3. 结果表明,乙酰柠檬酸三正丁酯(ATBC)增塑效率高,卫生性好,是PVC医用料的优良增塑剂。

    It has been demonstrated by the experimental results that ATBC with high plastifying efficiency and good hygienic properties is a fine plasticizer for medical grade PVC .

  4. 研究了一种溶剂型环保强力SBS复膜胶粘剂的新配方,讨论了溶剂、增强树脂和增粘树脂的选用对胶液的卫生性、粘接强度的影响。

    This paper makes study on a new dispensation of environmental friendly high strength SBS compound membrane solvent adhesive and discuss the effect of selecting different solvents , reinforced resins , as well as tackifying resins on hygienism and adhesive strength .

  5. 同时阐述了环氧大豆油的卫生性及加工性。

    The sanitary property and processing property of epoxidized soybean oil were also described .

  6. 营养性和卫生性是评价饲料质量的重要指标,加工工艺对其有重要的影响。

    Nutrient and sanitary were important aspects in estimating feed quality , processing technology affected them significantly .

  7. 重点讨论了复合超细丙纶及织物的舒适性、染色性和卫生性,应用于织造、服装领域。

    The comfortablity , dyeability , health of such filament and its , application in fabrics and clothing were also discussed .

  8. 肖主任说,只有让男性认识到安全、卫生性生活的重要性,治疗才能起作用。

    Only by making more men aware of the importance of safe and hygienic sex can the treatment be made to work , Xiao said .

  9. 聚砜类材料具有优良的机械性能、电性能、透明性和食品卫生性,但是聚砜类材料作为膜材料时亲水性,抗污染性等方面存在不足。

    Polysulfone ( PSF ) is excellent mechanical properties , electrical properties , transparency and food hygiene , but the poor hydrophilicity , anti-pollution of PSF membrane material limited its application .

  10. 药品包装的设计在注重其外观美化的基础上,更要注重药品包装的安全性、有效性、卫生性,及使用说明文字的清晰、醒目、到位。

    The design of the drugs packing must be paid attention to the foundation of its external appearance beautification , even to pay attention to the safety ? usefulness ? health of the drugs packing .

  11. 并从丝绸服饰微气候与人体的关系、丝绸的安全卫生性、丝绸的物理化学结构对人体的作用等说明丝绸的防菌、抗菌性能。

    Its antibacterial property could be explained through the relation between silk clothes miniclimate and human body the sanitation and security of silk , and the effects of physical structure and chemical composition on the body .

  12. 介绍抗菌塑料和塑料抗菌剂的制备方法,探讨该类材料的抗菌性、长效性、卫生性、物理力学性能及抗菌塑料在家电产品中的应用。

    Antibacterial plastics and the preparation method of novel antibacterial agents have been introduced . The discussion includes the antibacterial ability , long effectiveness , hygiene and physical and mechanical properties of the antibacterial plastics and their application in household appliances .

  13. 结论提供产品干预、基础及个性化教育干预对ICU医务人员手卫生依从性有一定的促进作用。

    Conclusion Intervention with hand hygiene product , basic and individualized education can promote ICU HCWs'compliance with hand hygiene .

  14. P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  15. 对象武汉大学实验动物中心P3级动物生物安全实验室设施。P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    Objects P3 Animal biology security laboratory of the experimental animal center of Wuhan University . The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  16. DennyVågerö是医学社会学教授和瑞典CHESS(卫生公平性研究中心)主任。

    Denny V å ger ö is Professor of Medical Sociology and Director of CHESS ( Centre for Health Equity Studies ) in Sweden .

  17. 以此为依据,提出了确保产品优质性和卫生安全性的加工关键控制点(CCPs)。

    Thus the CCPs that ensure the quality and sanitary safety of the product were suggested .

  18. 目的为提高温州市鹿城区餐饮业加工销售的现榨果蔬汁卫生安全性和操作过程中的卫生质量控制水平,对加工现榨果蔬汁的餐饮企业应用HACCP系统进行初步研究。

    Objectives To improve the sanitary conditions and its quality control , such as HACCP application , of freshly squeezed juices during processing in the catering services in Lucheng District , Wenzhou city .

  19. 结论水质处理器卫生安全性试验适宜的冲洗和浸泡时间应分别为≥45min和24h。

    Conclusion The adequate durations for irrigation and immersion of water purifier by pure water in sanitary safety test should be ≥ 45 min and 24 h.

  20. 医务人员手部卫生依从性干预研究

    Intervention research of compliance with hand hygiene by health care workers

  21. 目的探讨特殊用途化妆品卫生安全性。

    Ve To explore the hygienic safty of cosmetics for special use .

  22. 医护人员手卫生依从性与医院感染的相关研究

    Relationship Between Hand Hygiene Compliance in Health Care Workers and Nosocomial Infections

  23. 夏季服装的卫生舒适性设计

    The healthful and comfortable hygiene styling of the estival clothing

  24. 水质处理器卫生安全性试验方法探讨

    Exploration of Methods for Sanitary Safety Test of Water Purifier

  25. 提高临床医务人员手卫生依从性的实践

    Practice of improving compliance of hand hygiene of healthcare workers

  26. 目的探讨水质处理器卫生安全性试验方法。

    Ve To explore the methods for sanitary safety test of water purifier .

  27. 基于孕妇生理特征的孕妇装卫生安全性设计

    Safety & Harmlessness Clothing Design Based on the Psychological Features of Pregnant Women

  28. 辐照食品的卫生安全性研究和管理现状

    Hygienic safety research and administration status of food irradiation

  29. 熏烤肉制品卫生安全性及其绿色产品开发的技术关键

    Safety of Smoked and Roasted Meat Products and Technical keys to Develop Green Foodstuff

  30. 饮水矿化丸的卫生安全性评价

    Toxicological Safety Assessment on Artificial Mineral Water Pills