
  • 网络hot dip;hot dipping
  1. 通过对石油机械产品服役环境和热镀产品的经济性分析,指出热浸锌技术在石油机械产品中具有广阔的发展前景。

    Through analysis on service environment of petroleum machinery and economy of hot dip products , the paper considers that hot dip galvanizing is useful in petroleum machinery .

  2. 热镀锌灰是钢铁热镀过程产生的废渣,其含锌量高达65-80%左右,是重要的二次锌资源原料。

    Hot dip galvanizing ash with the zinc content up to 65 % ~ 80 % is generated during galvanizing of steel and iron , and is considered as an appreciable secondary zinc resource .

  3. 热镀Al3Ni耐蚀合金镀层液态冷凝过程的分子动力学模拟研究

    Molecular dynamics simulations of corrosion resistant alloy Al_3Ni in its solidification

  4. 热镀Zn、Al及其合金钢丝有着广阔的应用前景。

    It has broad application prospects to plate Zn , Al and alloy steel wire that it is hot .

  5. 热镀铁锌渣制纳米ZnO的光学吸收及抑菌性能

    Property of Optical Absorption and Bacteria Inhibition of Nano ZnO Prepared by Thermo-plating Hard Zn with Fe

  6. 研究了硅镇静钢在Zn-0.09%Ni合金镀液热镀后镀层的组织结构、耐盐雾腐蚀性能,并研究Zn-0.09%Ni合金镀液对锌锅材料的腐蚀作用。

    The paper deals with the Microstructure and corrosion performance of Si-Killed Low Carbon Steel after hot-dipped in Zn-0.09 % Ni alloy bath .

  7. 根据热镀Zn层的实海挂样数据,结合腐蚀理论,将整个腐蚀过程进行分段处理,即腐蚀初期、钝化期、腐蚀后期。

    According to the testing data of Zn coating corrosion in real ocean and the corrosion theory , the corrosion procedure can be divided into three stages , i.

  8. 合金型生物医学pH传感器是以普通针灸针为基体,在针尖上热镀一层对氢离子敏感的合金而制成的一种新型pH传感器。

    The alloyed biomedical pH sensor was manufactured by thermally coa-ing a layer of alloy sensitive to H on a general acupuncture needle . The design principle , cal-bration methed and clinical application of the sensor is reported in this paper .

  9. 利用灰色GM(1,1)模型研究了热镀Zn层在海水腐蚀中的规律,建立了适合海水腐蚀研究特点的数学模型。

    In this thesis , grey model GM ( 1,1 ) is applied to study the corrosion pattern of hot-dipped zinc coating in sea water . And a mathematical model which is suitable for sea water corrosion study is established .

  10. 本文研究了在热镀Zn-Fe合金镀层钢板上电镀Fe-Zn合金镀层的镀液配方、电镀工艺及这种镀层钢板的主要特性。

    The paper study the electrolytic solution compositions , electrolytic process parameters and the coating steel sheet main properties of electrolytic Fe-Zn alloy coating on the alloyed HDG steel sheet .

  11. 在热镀Zn-Fe合金镀层钢板上电镀一层含铁量为75%~85%的Fe-Zn合金镀层,可以改善热镀Zn-Fe合金镀层钢板的电泳涂漆性能和深冲加工等性能。

    By electrolyzing One Fe-Zn alloy coating of 75-85 percent Fe content on alloyed HDG coating steel sheet . It can improve the alloyed HDG coating steel sheet properties of electrophoretic coating and deep drawing forming etc.

  12. 彩色热镀Zn-Ti-Ni和Zn-Mn-Cu合金镀层的研究

    Study in coloured alloy coatings of hot_dipped zn_ti_ni and zn_mn_cu

  13. 热镀铅锡双层卷焊钢管的机理与质量控制

    Mechanism ane quality control of hot-dip Pb-Sn alloy coating of double-wall brazed tubes

  14. 锌-铝-稀土合金热镀钢丝助镀剂选择的研究

    The plating solution selection of Zn-Al-RE alloy for steel wire with hot plating

  15. 稀土和碱土在热镀合金中应用的研究

    Investigation on Application of Rare and Alkaline Earth Metals in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Alloys

  16. 钢铁防腐的方法繁多,其中钢基表面热镀耐蚀金属涂层是防止钢铁腐蚀的最重要的方法之一。

    There are many methods to resist steel corrosion .

  17. 热镀55%Al-Zn时化合物层生长动力学研究

    Growth kinetics of intermetallic layer in 55 % Al-Zn hot-dipping process with passivation method

  18. 阐述了热镀机组原板连续退火技术的历史、现状及发展。

    The history , present situation and development of hot-dip galvanizing annealing system were presented .

  19. 热镀用锌铋多元合金的研制

    Preparation of Hot Galvanizing Zn-Bi Alloy s

  20. 稀土、铝、镁在锌基热镀合金中的应用

    Application of Rare earth , Al and Mg to Zn radical Alloy for Galvanizing by Dipping

  21. 焊管热镀用锌选择

    Zinc Selection on Hot-Galvanized Welded Pipe

  22. 压力容器热镀&扩散法渗铝

    Diffusion Aluminizing of Pressure Vessel

  23. 热镀55%Al-Zn合金钢绞线耐蚀及电气性能研究

    Study on the Corrosion resisting Property and Electric Property of Hot dipping 55 % Al Zn Alloy Steel Strand

  24. 对电力金具钢基体热镀5%铝锌合金,其表面接触电偶腐蚀及热烧损失重比传统热镀纯锌效果更佳。

    So the metal holder with hot-dipped 5 % Al-Zn alloy coating possesses better protection effect than hot-dipped pure Zn .

  25. 结果表明,热镀梓板有典型的锌花形貌,明亮和灰暗锌花区的形貌差异大;

    Results show that hot galvanizing plate has typical spangle appearance , and the appearances distinguish in bright zone and gray zone .

  26. 对热镀5%铝锌合金和纯锌的电力金具与铝导体接触电偶腐蚀行为进行了研究。

    Contact couple corrosion behaviors between Al conductor and metal holders coated by hot-dipping 5 % Al-Zn alloy or pure Zn were studied .

  27. 本文采用平板摩擦试验研究了正压力和滑动速度对热镀纯锌、电镀纯锌、预磷化电镀纯锌和热镀锌铁合金摩擦系数的影响。

    The effects of contact pressure and sliding velocity on the frictional coefficient of zinc-coated sheets were studied by sliding test , including hot-dip galvanized , electro-galvanized , pre-phosphated electro-galvanized and galvannealed sheets .

  28. 介绍了大型电阻加热炉的特点,并提出了几项在热镀中提高锌锅寿命的措施,对中小镀锌厂家有一定帮助。

    The features of a large electric-resistant heating furnace are described , some measures to increase the crucible service life during hot-galvanizing are put forward , which are helpful to mini-and midium-sized galvanizing plants .

  29. 热浸镀锌/铝技术是目前防止钢铁材料在自然环境中腐蚀的最经济有效的防护技术之一,但熔融锌/铝液对热镀设备具有强烈的腐蚀作用。

    Hot dip zinc / aluminum-plating is one of the most economic and effective protecting technologies in steels ' corrosion protection in natural environment currently . However , molten zinc / aluminum has strong corrosive nature on related equipments .

  30. 中国镀锌企业、科研院校及热镀组织概况;中国镀锌行业生产现状及应用发展前景,文中还对当前热镀锌行业一些技术和应用方面的热点问题做了概括介绍。

    It is introduced that the varieties and usage of hot-zinc-plated steels , Chinese zinc-plating businesses , concerning science research institutes and colleges and organizations , the present production situation and prospect for the industry as well as some focuses on technique and application in this field .