
  • 网络Bharatiya Janata Party;BJP;Indian People's Party
  1. 甚至Advani自己的印度人民党也很快说无意于提前选举。

    Even Mr Advani 's Bharatiya Janata Party quickly said it did notwant early polls .

  2. 反对派印度人民党(BJP)领袖LKAdvani谴责政府未能保证孟买的安全。

    LK Advani , leader of India 's opposition Bharatiya Janata Party , blamed the government for failing to keep Mumbai secure .

  3. 主要反对党印度人民党也在讨论其表现不佳的原因。

    The main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is also discussing the reasons which led to its poor performance .

  4. 印度人民党总理候选人纳伦德拉·莫迪计划在比哈尔邦首府巴特那市举行竞选集会。

    The BJP 's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is to hold a campaign rally in Patna , the state capital of Bihar .

  5. 印度人民党说,需要这项法律来阻止恐怖威胁。但政府说,这条法律被用来骚扰回教徒。

    The BJP says the law is needed to tackle the growing terror threat , but the government says it was misused to harass Muslims .

  6. 事发地位于巴特那市火车站站台,据悉,反对党印度人民党计划当天在该市举行大型政治集会。

    The blast hit the platform at the railway station in Patna city , as a big political rally by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is due to be held .

  7. 但是政府拒绝了反对党印度人民党要求的恢复严格的反恐法,自从这届政府执政后取消了反恐法。

    But the government has turned down calls by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party for the reinstatement of a tough anti-terror law that was scrapped by the government after it came to power .