
  • 网络independence day;India Independence Day
  1. 昨天是印度独立日,辛格在德里的红堡(RedFort)用印地语发表了低调致词,重点是承诺推动更为全面的经济增长、减少贫困并增加农民收入。

    A low-key Independence Day address , delivered in Hindi at the Red Fort in Delhi , focused on pledges to foster more inclusive growth , reduce poverty and boost farmers ' incomes .

  2. 许多印度人喜欢通过放风筝来庆祝节日以及重要场合。比如8月15日的印度独立日。

    Many Indians fly kites to celebrate festivals and important occasions like the Independence Day , which is celebrated on 15 August .

  3. 10月的一个公众假期,莫迪要求他们收拾自己的办公室,清理掉无用的文件,其中许多文件自印度脱离英国独立之日起就尘封至今。

    On a public holiday in October , Mr Modi insisted they tidy up their offices and clear out useless files , many of which have been gathering dust since the British quit the country .