
yìn pǔ
  • Imprinting;a book of ancient seals;an album of seal impressions
印谱 [yìn pǔ]
  • [collection of impressions of seals by famous seal engravers] 汇集古代印章或名家所刻印章图式的书

  1. 《桐乡徐氏印谱序》是王国维在清华研究院撰作的有关古史与古文字的最后作品之一。

    TongXiangXuShiYinPuXu is one of WANG Guo-wei 's last bookmakings about ancient history and ancient characters finished in the research institute of Tsinghua University .

  2. 清代吴式芬《双虞壶斋印谱》中首次标明古玺并排列卷首,自此翻开了古玺创作研究的新篇章。

    Qing Fen Wu-style " double-Yu Yin Pu vegetarian pot " for the first time that " the ancient seal " and arrangement of frontispiece , from Ancient Seals opened a new chapter of Creation .