
  1. 印染污水COD值快速测定方法探索

    Fast determination of COD value in dyeing effluents

  2. 生化防治的应用模式&生物接触氧化法治理印染污水技术清水溪治污工程D4标段排污管道施工技术

    Usage of Biochemical Technology in Sewage of Printing and Dying ; Sewage Pipe Construction Technology of D4 Section in Qingshui Creek Pollution Control Project

  3. 对天然水体和印染污水的对比絮凝实验表明,PMC絮凝剂的絮凝速度、脱色率和悬浮物去除率均高于传统絮凝剂PAC和PFS(聚合硫酸铁)。

    For natural water and printworks sewage the coagulation behaviors of PMC overmatched the traditional flocculants PAC and PFS ( polymerized ferric sulphate ) in the speed of coagulation , decoloration rate and removal rate of suspended substances ( SS ) .

  4. 这种增效反应导致PMC的相对分子质量比PAC增大,选择性荷电吸附能力增强,因而特别适合处理油田含油污水和印染污水等变组分污水。

    For this reason , PMC has greater molecular weight and stronger selective charge adsorption than PAC . The new flocculating agent is especially suitable for treating the wastewater of varying components , such as the oily sewage of oilfield and printworks sewage .

  5. 微电解处理印染污水应用实例

    An Application Example of Printing & Dyeing Sewage Treatment with Micro-Electrolysis

  6. 催化臭氧化法深度处理印染污水的实验研究

    Study on advanced treatment of dyeing wastewater by catalytic ozonation process

  7. 凝聚电解法与印染污水的色度处理

    Condensed Electrolysis and Chrominance Treatment of Printing and Dying Wastewater

  8. 自清洁纺织材料对印染污水的降解净化

    The printing and dyeing wastewater degradation and purification of self-clean textile material

  9. 印染污水具有水量大、色度高、可生化性差的特点。

    The printing and dyeing sewage is of great quantity , high colority and poor biochemical purification ability .

  10. 为毛纺印染污水开辟了一条废治废、旨费低、效率高的有效途径。

    It finds a low cost and high efficieney approach of dyeing sewage treatment from woollen mill with wastes .

  11. 自流深井降水技术在大型深基坑中的应用自清洁纺织材料对印染污水的降解净化

    The Application of Self Drainage Deep Well Technology in Huge Excavation The printing and dyeing wastewater degradation and purification of self-clean textile material

  12. 印染污水经生化处理后虽能达标排放,但仍对水体造成污染。

    Although the dyeing wastewater treated by the second biochemical method can reach the standard of discharge , it may still cause water pollution .

  13. 以自行设计的生化呼吸线测定装置研究了印染污水的可生化性,该装置通过反应体系的溶解氧浓度跟踪生物降解过程。

    The biodegradation of wastewater in textile printing and dyeing has been studied with self-made equipment . RIA was used to examine the concentration of estradiol and progesterone .

  14. 然后将其作为制备单元,用化学制备方法,成功合成出多孔带刺球状的四氧化三锰,并研究其对模拟茜素红-甲基橙印染污水的吸附性质。

    Then as the preparation of its units , chemical preparation , the successful synthesis of the four long and short spinous with manganese oxide , and to study its analog alizarin red - methyl orange dye adsorption properties of water .

  15. 为将污水回用于生产,降低生产成本,采用连续膜过滤系统(CMF)&活性炭吸附处理工艺对某印染厂污水处理站排水进行回用处理研究。

    In order to reuse the wastewater and reduce the production cost , the treatment and reuse of printing and dyeing wastewater by using the technology of continuous membrane filter ( CMF ) - active carbon has been studied .

  16. 国外纺织印染厂污水处理

    Sewage Disposal in Foreign Textile Printing and Dyeing Plants

  17. 印染工业污水排放标准

    Effluent quality standard for dyeing and printing industry

  18. 印染厂污水处理新工艺研究

    On the research of new technigue in dealing with the polluted water by dyes works

  19. 它是一种针对印染厂污水的脱色沉淀治理的新型药剂。

    It is a printing and dyeing mill effluent decolorization for precipitation of a new type of pharmaceutical treatment .

  20. 应用该复合絮凝剂对印染模拟污水及实际污水进行处理。

    The flocculating agent was used on the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater which was simulating or practical .

  21. 目的了解印染厂污水处理状况,以采取相应的控制对策。

    Objective To learn the situation of sewage dispose of printing and dyeing plant in order to induct suitable controlling measures .

  22. 本论文从研究自吸式射流曝气系统入手,以某印染公司污水处理站为实验场地,考察了射流器在清水和泥水混合液时的充氧性能。

    The paper begins from the study of self-suction jet aeration system . Aeration performance of jet aerator was investigated in clear water and sludge-water liquor at the wastewater treatment plant of a printing and dyeing company .

  23. 产物对印染和造纸污水的浓度和COD去除率优于HPAM。

    The turbidity and COD removal rate of this product for dyeing factory and paper mill waste water is better than that of HPAM .

  24. 纺织印染地区的城镇污水处理工程

    Town Sewage Treatment Project in Textile Dyeing Industry Region

  25. 印染废水己成为环境的重点污染源之一,亚甲基蓝是其中的典型有机污染物,是印染污水治理的重要对象。

    Printing and dyeing wastewater has become one of the important sources of environment pollution . Methylene blue ( MB ) is one of the typical organic contaminants in the wastewater , is an important target for dyeing wastewater treatment .