
  • 网络impression management;Impression-management
  1. 应聘者印象管理行为及其影响因素研究

    Research on the Applicant Impression Management and Its Influencing Factors

  2. 管理层印象管理行为与企业社会责任信息披露

    The Management Impression Management Behavior and Social Responsibility Information Disclosure

  3. 印象管理大量存在于面试过程中。

    The application of impression management often occurs in interview .

  4. 应聘者印象管理研究评介

    Comments upon the Research of Impression Managing of an Interviewee

  5. 而国内对抱怨言语行为的印象管理的研究却很缺乏。

    But the impression management study of complaining in China is scarce .

  6. 印象管理理论在教学管理中的应用及启示

    Application & Revelation of Impressive Management Theory in Teaching Management

  7. 公司赠送礼物也是一种印象管理,

    Corporate giving is also a form of " impression management , "

  8. 招聘面试中印象管理的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Application of Impression Management in the Evaluation during Interview

  9. 基于旅游者认知的旅游目的地印象管理

    Impression Management of Tourism Destination based on Tourist Cognition

  10. 读者印象管理是一种能动的、开放的管理方式。

    Taking care of readers'impression is a changeable and open style of management .

  11. 印象管理作为一种普遍的人际现象,渗透在生活的各个领域。

    Impression management penetrates every aspect of human life as a universal interpersonal phenomenon .

  12. 印象管理及其相关研究述评

    Commentary on Impression Management and Its Relative Research

  13. 人才甄选面试中应聘者印象管理策略的采用及其影响因素

    Adoption of Applicant Impression Management Strategy in Talent Selection Interviews and Relevant Influential Factors

  14. 印象管理测量与经理的工作绩效

    Impressional management measurement and managerial job performance

  15. 自我设限的动机有自我价值和印象管理两种理论解释。

    Self-handicapping strategies can be used for the purposes of self-worth protection and impression management .

  16. 结果表明不同的印象管理策略对心理健康有不同的影响。

    The results indicated that different impression management strategies had different impacts on mental health .

  17. 印象管理是一个人通过一定的方式影响别人形成对自己的印象的过程。

    Impression management is a process in which a person tries to affect others ' impression .

  18. 但已有研究大多只集中于印象管理的定义、分类、策略及影响因素等问题。

    These researches are dominant by definition , classification , strategies and determinant of impression management .

  19. 印象管理理论是来源于心理学的范畴,已经被引入很多种学科领域。

    Originating from psychology , impression management theory has been introduced into a lot of fields .

  20. 对我国学者进一步开展有关印象管理的研究提供了新的思路。

    It offers a new way for our country to make more research on impression management .

  21. 目前跨文化研究领域对于印象管理和沟通有效性的研究甚少。

    Rare researches about impression management and communication effectiveness in cross-cultural field are reported so far .

  22. 读者印象管理

    Management on Readers ' Impression

  23. 本部分首先阐释了印象管理的涵义和手段等,并回顾了相关文献。

    The first section explains the connotation and means of impression management and reviewed the related literature .

  24. 本研究旨在考察中国人印象管理与心理健康表现的相关。

    This research was conducted to examine the relationship between impression management and mental health in China .

  25. 然后,笔者就印象管理对企业社会责任报告的影响进行了分析。

    Then , the author analyzes the influence for corporate social responsibility report which is from impression management .

  26. 除社会表达与心理健康的指标相关不显著以外,社会适应、社会知觉、印象管理与心理健康水平呈正相关,社会自信(高分表示不自信)与心理健康水平呈负相关。

    Social confidence was negatively correlated with mental health . Social expression did not correlation with mental health .

  27. 本研究主要的研究结论如下:1、情感中心性与迎合、作秀两种印象管理策略相关均不显著。

    The correlation between emotional centrality and Impression Management strategy of catering and performance is insignificant . 2 .

  28. 本研究主要研究主旨在探讨自我监控、组织文化与印象管理战术之关系。

    The purposes of the study are the relationship between Self-monitoring , Organizational Culture , and Impression Management .

  29. 组织文化与印象管理战术具有显著正相关部分,以支持型文化与哀求战术的相关性最大。

    The Self-Monitoring has significant prediction on Self-Promotion . C. Organizational Culture and Impression Management have positive correlation .

  30. 接下来使用了内容分析法来验证中国的会计报告中是否存在印象管理这个问题。

    The paper uses content analysis to test whether there is impression management in the Chinese accounting information disclosure .