
  • 网络Crisis management;Crisis intervention;risk management
  1. 因此逐步升级是威慑和危机处理的一个方面

    Escalation is thus an aspect of deterrence and of crisis management .

  2. 基于AHP模糊综合评判的公关危机处理能力评价

    An Evaluation of PR Crisis Management Capability Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

  3. 主要危机处理工具向陷入困境的主权国家放贷的欧洲金融稳定工具(efsf)的不足之处,在两次用上该工具时都暴露出来。

    The inadequacy of the main crisis management tool a European financial stability facility that extends loans to troubled sovereigns was exposed both times its help has been called on .

  4. CSTO已经建立一支4000-名快速部署部队并且正在发展集体维和部队和增加危机处理能力。

    The CSTO has already established a4,000-man rapid deployment unit and is developing a collective peacekeeping force and additional crisis management capacities .

  5. 试论我国公共危机处理体系的构建

    Constructing the Working System on the Public Crisis of Our Country

  6. 欢迎各参加者分享危机处理的个人经验!

    Feel free also to share personal experience of crisis communication .

  7. 我国外资银行危机处理与救助机制

    Establishing the Crisis Management and Salvation Mechanism of Foreign Banks in China

  8. 金融机构危机处理的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of Disposing Crisis in Financial Institution

  9. 政府传播在政府对危机处理中,扮演着重要角色。

    The government communication plays an important role in the crisis management .

  10. 高校学生干部参与学生工作危机处理探析

    Probe into Involvement of College Student Cadres in Crisis Management

  11. 第一个问题,危机处理不妥当

    The first problem is there 's inadequate disaster response .

  12. 责任感:企业危机处理的核心

    The Responsibility : the Core of the Enterprise Crisis Processes

  13. 我国银行危机处理措施的法律思考

    Reflection of the Banking Crisis Management in China from a Legal Perspective

  14. 还有软技能,比如危机处理和理财。

    but also soft skills , like conflict resolution and financial management .

  15. “首脑外交”在国际危机处理中扮演着重要的角色。

    Summit diplomacy plays a very important role in the national crisis management .

  16. 为我国企业危机处理理论提供了实际的操作案例。

    Theory of crisis for our business operations to provide the actual case .

  17. 试论市场经济下企业的危机处理

    Study on Crisis Relations of Enterprises in Market Economy

  18. 企业和个人遇到突发事件,需要紧急危机处理。

    Service for emergency needs of enterprise or individual .

  19. 老年问题,健康问题、危机处理,

    growing older , health , dealing with danger ,

  20. 从长期战略到危机处理,他在所有事务上为她出谋划策。

    He also advises her on everything from long-term strategy to crisis management .

  21. 公共危机处理的目标即是要提高政府的公信力。

    Public crisis management objective is to enhance the credibility of the Government .

  22. 在上述限制措施出台之际,民众对核危机处理情况的不满情绪正日益高涨。

    The restriction comes amid growing public discontent over the handling of the crisis .

  23. 危机处理在军队医院风险管理中的应用

    Application of Crisis Management in the Military Hospital

  24. 由于危机处理非常及时,这些公司都能安然过关。

    These companies all passed the crisis peacefully .

  25. 高校学生工作新闻发言人危机处理的媒体应对策略

    Tactics for College Student Work News Spokesmen Meeting Media when Telling about College Crises

  26. 我国商业银行危机处理法律制度研究《孙子兵法》在企业危机处理中的应用

    Research on the Legal System on the Settlement of Crisis of the Chinese Business Bank

  27. 企业危机处理的成功之道

    The Successful Handling of Enterprise Crisis

  28. 水上搜救应急工作考量着我国政府的危机处理能力,反映社会在共治方面的绩效。

    It represents crisis handling capacity of China MSA and reflects the performance of social multi-component governance .

  29. 风险社会中的危机处理机制

    Crisis-settling Mechanism in Risky Society

  30. 产品伤害危机处理过程消费者信任对品牌资产影响的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysing on the Consumers Confidence Impacting Brand Equity in the Products Harmed Crisis Managing Process