
  • 网络crisis leadership
  1. 最后,它还是一场“赌注”:一旦出现危机,领导力便会应运而生。

    Finally , the project was also a bet that , come the crisis , leadership would be forthcoming .

  2. 此外,危机中的领导力无法消除过去领导力缺乏造成的所有破坏。

    And leadership in a crisis cannot undo all the damage of lack of leadership in the past .

  3. 虽然克里斯蒂是一个共和党且是罗姆尼的坚定支持者,这个星期他以自己的方式站出来一再称赞奥巴马在应对危机方面的领导力。

    Although Christie is a Republican and a prominent supporter of Romney , he went out of his way this week to repeatedly praise Obama 's leadership in responding to the crisis .

  4. 然而,伯南克的行为将决定,他是否拥有评估金融危机风险何时会演变为一场经济危机的判断力和领导力,以及在危机到来之际,知道如何进行干预以应对危机。

    But his actions will determine whether he has the judgment and leadership to assess when a financial crisis risks becoming an economic crisis , and when it does so , to know how to intervene to deal with it .