
  1. 欧洲官员将即将出炉的追缴令形容为自布鲁塞尔被授权监督在欧企业获得的国家支持以来的最大一笔罚款。

    European officials have described the looming recovery order as the largest since Brussels was empowered to police state support to companies in Europe .

  2. 另外,还提出了从两个方面对行政授权加强监督,并建议加快立法,使它早日走上法制化、规范化之路。

    The supervision and legislation to administrative authorization should be strengthened in two aspects , legislative and normative .

  3. 派出机构按照国务院保险监督管理机构的授权履行监督管理职责。

    An agency shall perform its regulatory duties as authorised by the State Council 's insurance regulatory authority .

  4. 环境方针是否经过最高管理者批准?是否已授权专人监督与实施这一方针?

    Has the environmental policy been approved by top management and has someone been identified and given the authority to oversee and implement the policy ?

  5. 国务院证券监督治理机构根据需要可以设立派出机构,按照授权履行监督治理职责。

    If necessary , the securities regulatory body under the State Council may set up branches that will execute supervisory and administrative functions according to authorization .

  6. 经理人也需要思考、计划、组织、授权、监督,最重要的是&选人和育人。

    Managers are therefore needed to think , plan , organize , delegate , monitor , motivate and most important of all – talent scout and groom – people so as to achieve goals and profits .

  7. 国务院民用航空主管部门设立的地区民用航空管理机构依照国务院民用航空主管部门的授权,监督管理各该地区的民用航空活动。

    The regional civil aviation administrative organs set up by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council supervise and administer the civil aviation activities in their respective regions in accordance with the authorizations of the competent civil aviation authority under the state council .

  8. 管理的第二个重点在于:懂得授权,学会监督很多老板或者高级管理者,其实本身并没有好的PM素质。

    Management second key lies in : Understands authorization , academic society supervises very many bosses or high-level superintendent , actually itself certainly does not have the good PM quality .

  9. 这项工作授权给执行监督小组的一个成员来执行。

    This is delegated to one member of the executive oversight group for execution .

  10. 最后,强调只有对授权立法进行监督,授权立法的效力才能得到体现。

    Finally the paper stresses that only through strict supervision can the validity of authorized legislation be guaranteed .

  11. 控制活动理念落后,重事后管理、轻事前防范;分支行权力过于集中,加之缺乏监督的有效手段,使得授权后的监督管理不善;新兴业务的开展与内控时差性脱节。

    The idea of control activities outdated . The supervision and management of authorization is poor because the power of branches is too concentrated and supervision lack effective means .

  12. 笔者认为,对于授权立法的监督控制措施主要有加强立法监督、加强司法监督、增进公民法律监督等等。

    I think that the main measures to supervise the Delegated legislation are to strengthen the legislative and judiciary supervision , to promote the citizen 's supervision and so on .

  13. 而司法授权、司法监督、司法救济、非法证据排除规则的缺位,现行警务管理体制的弊病则在制度上催生了警察违法暴力。

    Absence of judicial commission , judicial supervision , judicial remedy and the exclusive rule about illegal evidence , and the maladies of the current police administration system are the institutional reasons .

  14. 分权、授权、指导和监督;

    Separation of powers warrant of powerssurveillance ;

  15. 控制活动涉及到对任务和资源的分配、授权和决策以及监督和排除故障。

    Control activities involve allocating tasks and resources , authorizing , and making decisions , as well as overseeing and troubleshooting .

  16. 独立董事与其他董事相比更加独立、客观、中立,所以他们被授权以选择、监督、考核、奖惩公司的经理层。

    Compared with other directors , independent directors are more independent and objective . So , they are appointed to supervise managers .

  17. 被授权单位承担授权的检定、测试工作,须接受授权单位的监督;

    The authorized units must conduct the authorized work of examination and determination and testing under the supervision of the authorizing units ;

  18. 通过更新授权观念、完善授权法律制度、规范政府授权运作、强化授权监督、扩大授权监督主体等措施来强化行政授权的法制化必将有助于问题的解决,消除其造成的危害。

    Through upgrading the idea of authorizing , perfecting the legal system , standardizing government operation of authorization , strengthening supervision , expanding subject of supervision are effective measures to the settlement of the problems , and dispel its danger .

  19. 冲突成因在于授权主体的广泛性、授权期限、范围、授权标准不明确、超越授权立法以及监督不力。

    The reason responsible for the conflicts lies in the wide range of delegating bodies , the uncertainty of the period , the range and the standard of delegation , and the lack of supervision on the delegated legislation .