
juàn zi
  • examination paper;steamed roll;scroll


juǎn zi
  • steamed roll
卷子 [juǎn zi]
  • [steamed roll] 一种面食品,把面制成薄片,一面涂上油盐、葱花等,再卷起蒸熟

  • (1) [examination paper]∶考试写答案的簿子或单页纸;试卷

  • 发卷子

  • (2) [scroll]∶指可以卷起来的古代书籍抄本

  • (3) 另见 juǎn.zi

卷子[juǎn zi]
卷子[juàn zi]
  1. 把你们的卷子交上来。

    Hand in up your examination paper .

  2. 把孩子们送上床后,她开始改学生的卷子。

    After send children to go to bed , she changes the student 's examination paper at beginning .

  3. 他们已经考完试了,老师正在赶紧收卷子。

    They had finished the exam and the teacher was hustling to get the papers gathered up .

  4. 如果我们在琼斯的两三份卷子上拉一些分,那他会勉强及格。

    If we mark up Jones on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass .

  5. 这个班人数太多,我几乎没有时间把全部卷子看完。

    The class is so large that I have barely enough time to go over all the papers .

  6. “可卷子上根本没有这个。”杰森回答。

    " But it 's not in the paper at all , " replied Jason .

  7. 然后我觉得很紧张。最后,我的卷子基本没动。

    Later I felt nervous.In the end , I almost left the paper undone .

  8. 他考试时偷看了他邻座的卷子。

    At the examination he peeped at his neighbour 's paper .

  9. 好消息是我的评分标准是看你画的曲线,所以你卷子上肯定有个“C”。

    The good news is I 'm grading on a curve , so you 're pretty much guaranteed a C.

  10. 我爸不让我和朋友玩,他打印了一套SAT的考试卷子。

    Instead of letting me see my friends , my dad printed out a practice SAT exam .

  11. 汤普森夫人甚至喜欢上用粗红笔在特迪的考卷上打上些大大的叉,并在卷子上方写个大大的“F”。

    It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in making his papers with a broud red pen , making bold Xs and then putting a " F " at the top of his papers .

  12. 下一节课教授把卷子发回去。

    The next class the professor handed the tests back out .

  13. 评阅同学的卷子,要正确评分(不多给也不少给分)。

    When grading other students'papers , give only the correct grade .

  14. 直到最近老师才找到被藏起的卷子。

    Not until recently has the teacher found the hidden papers .

  15. 你何不带一张练习题卷子回家去做?

    Why don 't you take a practice sheet home with you ?

  16. 批改卷子后,我还要写论文。

    LL : How about after you grade your papers ?

  17. 边吹干边吹发型的方法取代了湿发上卷子的老方法。

    Blow-drying replaced the old method of putting curlers into wet hair .

  18. 我在卷子上把我的名字写错了。

    I have spelt my name wrong on the paper .

  19. 那个学生也拿到了他的卷子,以及64美元零钱。【词汇讲解】

    This student got back his test and $ 64 change

  20. 他否则昨天在做卷子题目测考题卷中舞弊的男孩。

    He is not the boy who cheated in an examination yesterday .

  21. 把卷子拿来别担心测验的事了

    Bring me your paper . Don 't worry about the test .

  22. 下一节课的时候教授又把卷子发了下去。

    In the next class the professor handed the tests back out .

  23. 敦煌吐鲁番医药卷子的文献研究。

    Documentary research about the Dunhuang Turfan medical scrolls .

  24. 他经常帮助老师发卷子。

    He often helps the teacher give papers out .

  25. 教授开始收卷子。

    Then the professor began to collect the papers .

  26. 他妈的卷子上怎么没考这些?

    Where the hell 's that on the test ?

  27. 哈利看着卷子,念道:

    Harry looked down at his paper and read :

  28. 现在我要收卷子了。

    I want to collect your paper , now .

  29. 你交卷子之前核实一下你的答案。

    Check your answers before you hand it in ?

  30. 你能在下课以前把卷子做完吗?

    Can you finish the paper before the class comes to an end ?