
  1. 卷烟烟雾磷酸缓冲液中H2O2生成量的测定

    Determination of the Amount of Hydrogen Peroxide Generated from Cigarette Smoke in Phosphate Buffer Solution

  2. JY-1型卷烟烟雾多功能自动采样器的研制

    Development of multi-function automatic sampler for cigarette smog

  3. 结果表明,卷烟烟雾处理1,2及4周的各组,均显示潜在的遗传毒性。

    The results show that mutagenic potential in groups treated with cigarette smoke for 1 , 2 and 4 weeks was noticed .

  4. 反烟团体把烟草描绘为“夕阳”行业,引证声称全球担忧卷烟烟雾的有害影响。

    Anti-smoking groups have portrayed tobacco as a " sunset " industry citing alleged global concerns over the harmful effects of cigaret-smoking .

  5. 他们说,其中的一项研究显示,烟草公司的研究人员将仓鼠放在卷烟烟雾中,并且得出结论它们有了癌样病变。

    They say that one of the studies shows tobacco company researchers exposing hamsters to cigarette smoke , and concluding that they developed cancerous lesions as a result .

  6. 研究人员对老鼠进行了超过七周的实验,其中一半的老鼠一周六天每天暴露在4支卷烟的烟雾中,而另一半则完全处在无烟环境中。

    Mice were studied over seven weeks , with half exposed to smoke from four cigarettes a day for six days a week while the other half smoke free .

  7. 利用ESR法测定了卷烟焦油中自由基的含量,同时测定了经过加工的蒙脱石制成的复合滤嘴卷烟烟雾中的自由基,经过对比,发现卷烟焦油中自由基下降(32±3)%。

    Using ESR method , the containing of radical of cigarette tar and radical of cigarette smoke of compound filter made by processed montmorillonite wear measured . We find that radical of cigarette tar descends ( 32 ± 3 ) % by contrasting .