
  • 网络cerebral hypoxia
  1. 人的大脑缺氧4分钟后便会造成永久性损伤。

    The human brain needs to be without oxygen for only four minutes before permanent damage occurs .

  2. 一个人跳入深水中,憋气让大脑缺氧;

    One goes deep underwater and starves his brain of oxygen .

  3. 让大脑缺氧,仅几分钟

    Deprive your brain of oxygen for just a few minutes ,

  4. 他的大脑缺氧超过8分钟。

    His brain 's been oxygen-deprived for over eight minutes .

  5. 头痛的一个常见原因是大脑缺氧。

    A common cause for headaches is a lack of oxygen in the brain .

  6. 结论异丙酚可能通过抑制大脑缺氧,抑制神经元的凋亡,从而对大鼠局灶性脑缺血-再灌注损伤发挥保护作用。

    Conclusion Propofol may inhibit hypoxia in the brain and the apoptosis of nerve cells in result of protecting the cerebral ischemia and reperfusion damage in rats .

  7. 医生们不愿意花太长时间进行抢救,其中一个原因是他们担心长时间的大脑缺氧会给病人的大脑造成损伤。

    One reason why doctors are reluctant to spend too long attempting to revive patients is that they worry about brain damage caused by prolonged lack of oxygen .

  8. 目的:使小儿尽快摆脱惊厥状态,缩短大脑缺氧时间,以减少脑实质损伤,并防止复发。

    Objective : In order to get rid of children convulsion states quickly . Contact the time of brain hypoxia , to reduce damage of grain tissue and prevent relapse .

  9. 有时,由于出现一段时间的大脑缺氧,甚至是出生的过程中,都会导致这样的问题。

    Sometimes , people , because they 've had a lack of oxygen to the brain for a period of time , even during the birthing process , for example , can have problems like that .

  10. 张全安在他的提案中表示,有害空气中的微粒会使得儿童五官变形形成“雾霾脸”,还会导致大脑缺氧。

    Zhang said in his proposal that children can develop a " smog face " and coryza , caused by harmful particles in the air , which can also result in a shortage of oxygen supply to the brain .

  11. 血液黏稠会加快大脑的缺氧、色素的沉积,使衰老提前来临。

    Blood viscosity will speed up the brain of oxygen , pigment deposition , so come early aging .

  12. 原代培养人胎大脑神经元缺氧模型的建立及纳洛酮保护作用的研究

    Establishment of Primary Cultured Human Embryo Neuron Anoxia Model & Preliminary Research of Naloxone on Ischemic Neuron Injury in Vitro

  13. 大脑细胞缺氧四分钟后就开始死亡,导致严重的脑损伤。

    In four minutes , brain cells , starved for oxygen begin to die , and serious brain damage results .

  14. 中风是由于血液凝结成块阻碍其流动,从而导致大脑部分缺氧。

    Stroke is caused by a clotting in the blood which stops the flow and can starve areas of the brain of oxygen .

  15. 即使病人被送去医院,也可能会出现永久性昏迷,甚至可能出现大脑因缺氧死亡,因为要通过长时间的运输才能得到医疗护理。

    Even if patients make it to a hospital , permanent coma and even brain death from hypoxia may occur , given potentially long transport times to get medical care .

  16. 维生素C、E及其联合作用对体外鼠胚大脑神经细胞缺氧损伤保护作用的研究

    The Individual and Combined Effects of Vitamin C and Vitamin E on Rat Embryonic Cerebral Neurons Following Hypoxic Damage in Vitro

  17. 结论:BN对大脑神经细胞缺氧损伤恢复具有明显的促进作用。

    Conclusions : The Bio-Normalizer ( BN ) can promote the recovery of anoxic damage of rat embryonic cerebral neurocytes in vitro .

  18. 目的从形态学角度观察木瓜粉对体外培养鼠胚大脑神经细胞缺氧损伤预防效果的影响。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effects of papaya on the preventive efficacy of cerebral neurocytes following anoxic damage in vitro .

  19. 目的研究人参皂甙Rb1、黄芪对体外培养的新生大鼠大脑皮层神经细胞缺氧性凋亡的保护机理。

    Objective To investigate the protective mechanism of Ginsenoside Rb1 and huangqi on the apoptosis of primary cultured cerebral cortical neurons caused by hypoxia .

  20. 利用该策略对缺氧脑电数据进行分析,实验结果表明,大脑区域相位同步程度与大脑缺氧程度之间呈线性变化关系。

    Using this strategy on hypoxia EEG , experimental results show that phase synchronization extent among brain zones represents linear relationship with hypoxia extent .

  21. 但是,在一小部分患者中,大脑只是暂停向控制呼吸的肌肉发送信号,令大脑缺氧,并最终造成痉挛喘息的反应。

    However , in a small number of sufferers , the brain simply stops telling the muscles to breathe , starving the brain and eventually forcing a gasping response .