
  • 网络making public the affairs of enterprises;make public the affairs of enterprises
  1. ISO9000标准是当今世界的先进管理模式之一,把ISO9000标准的相关原则应用于厂务公开工作之中,能够使厂务公开成为企业法定的管理程序。

    ISO9000 standards is one of the most advanced management models in the present world . To apply ISO9000 standards to the work of making public the affairs of enterprises can make the latter be the legal management procedure in enterprises .

  2. 厂务公开必须纳入法制化轨道

    Making Public the Affairs of Enterprises Must be Brought into Legal System

  3. 关于厂务公开纳入ISO9000质量管理体系的实践与思考

    Practice and thoughts about the application of ISO 9000 quality management system in enterprises business open work

  4. 浅谈母子公司体制下的厂务公开工作

    Talk About the Business in Public Under the System of Parent-Subsidiary Company

  5. 深化厂务公开促进企业发展

    Deepen to Make Public the Affairs of Enterprises and Promote Enterprises ' Development

  6. 工会在推行厂务公开制度中的作用

    The effect of trade unions in the course of carrying out industrial democracy

  7. 工会在厂务公开中要找准自身定位

    Trade Union 's own post must be fixed in the work of Open Factory affairs

  8. 在实践中把厂务公开工作引向深入

    Further Open Plant Business in Practice

  9. 文章对胜利油田住房二级市场推行厂务公开进行了探讨。

    Shengli Oilfield article on the implementation of the secondary market for housing factory affairs were discussed .

  10. 关于困难、亏损企业推行厂务公开的思考&对潍坊市实行厂务公开情况的调查

    On a Consideration of Promoting the Work of Making Public the Affairs of Enterprises in Loss-making Enterprises

  11. 开展厂务公开工作是企业建立母子公司体制后面临的新问题。

    Doing well the business in public is a new problem faced by enterprise after setting up the system of parent subsidiary company .

  12. 搞好厂务公开必须做到四个到位,即组织领导工作到位、主要制度到位、向企业管理延伸到位,以及考核管理到位。

    We should do it well in four aspects such organizing work , main system , corporation management ' extension and check management .

  13. 二要正确运用思想政治教育的原理,加深厂务公开的深度,拓展厂务公开的幅度,把握厂务公开的尺度。

    They should wield ideological and political education 's principle in order to deepen industrial democracy and develop industrial democracy and grasp industrial democracy .

  14. 班务公开是厂务公开的重要组成部分,对推动企业和谐发展具有十分重要的意义。

    As an important part of publicity of factory affair , the publicity of class affair has important meaning to impulse the enterprise development harmoniously .

  15. 在国有企业建立现代企业制度的过程中,如何使厂务公开实现工作重点上的转移,进一步健全制度和完善机制建设,在工作规范方面切实加大力度,确保厂务公开工作不断得以深化。

    During the process of building modern company system in SOEs , we should perfect the system of making public the affairs of enterprises and deepening this system .

  16. 在车间和班组推行厂务公开,必须做到:强化公开意识、规范公开运行机制、坚持公开内容的真实性和公开结果的实效性。

    If we carry out the system of making public the affairs of enterprises , we should strengthen public consciousness , regular public practicing mechanism and adhere to authenticity of public contents and justice of public results .

  17. 企业厂务公开工作应该走制度化道路,配套建立健全运行机制,充分发挥企业工会和职代会的职责和作用。

    The work of making public the affairs of enterprises should have a systematic rule , build and perfect its running mechanism , and give full play to trade unions ' role and duty of workers ' congress .

  18. 还要从企业管理体制和运行机制上解决好厂务公开制度化、规范化问题,把职工的知情权、参与权、监督权落到实处。

    We should solve the problem of the systemization and standardization of the openness of factory affairs from the management and operation system of the enterprises to make sure that the staff workers have the power to know the facts , the power of participation and the power of supervision .